
COMPASS: Reading Comprehension

  • Create a reading schedule: Trying to complete a long reading in one sitting may not work for most people. Dividing up the reading into smaller amounts of time can help the reading be more manageable and memorable.
  • Know your energy level: If you plan to read when you are the most tired, imagine how much you will actually remember from the reading (probably not a lot). Find the time when you are able to retain the most by reading during different parts of the day and quizzing yourself the next day.
  • Review the previous information: Most times, the reading relates to the content you've already learned. Do a quick review of the information leading up the the reading to see how it all connects.
  • Preview the reading: Look through the formatted text (bold, italics, underline, etc.) to get an idea of what to expect in the reading.
  • Create a list of questions: Prior to reading, create a list of questions and answer them throughout.
  • Take active notes on the reading: Identify divisions in the sections of the reading where you can test yourself and write a quick summary of what you read.
  • Use symbols to identify key points: Underline, circle, and use other symbols to more easily identify important things to review.
  • Review and reflect: Evaluate what you read by writing follow-up questions, and reviewing how it connects to what you already know.
  • Compare notes with other students: Talk with a classmate about what the reading was about to better understand what you still need to study.
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