
Purchasing Authority

Purchase Requisitions are internal requests for goods/services (Purchase Requisitions). They cannot be used to place an order with a vendor. Although departments are allocated funds in their budgets, this allocation is only an authority to requisition, not to purchase. The Purchasing Office has the authority to evaluate all Purchase Requisitions on the basis of appropriateness of purchase, availability of funds, vendor selection, cost, service level, etc. Only Purchase Orders prepared and issued by the Purchasing Office may be used to place an order with a vendor.

For all requests over $5,000, the Purchase Requisition must be signed by a Director or Associate Director. Purchase Requisitions over $10,000 must be approved in advance by the Vice President or Executive Staff member from the area making the request. All Purchase Requisitions in excess of $25,000 must also be approved by the Vice President for Business and Finance. All purchases and/or projects in excess of $250,000 must have Board approval.

Failure by an individual or department to adhere to all purchasing policies and procedures may result in loss of authority to initiate Purchase Requisitions. Also, personal financial responsibility may result if purchases are made disregarding University policy.

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