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Lesotho 2024: Proud Of The Hard Work

Working at the habitat house today blew any expectations we had to the moon. We witnessed everyone working together as one unit to build the house. The sounds of work never stopped throughout both shifts. Everyone found their groove and made astounding progress in just the span of a couple hours. In the first shift alone we completed what we sought out to do that day. After lunch because of our progress, we were able to begin digging a hole for the family to wash their clothes. Everyone got to try out different jobs and find what they really like and what they excelled at and it came together beautifully. Our group also made great strides in connecting with the youth group working alongside us. Many of us call them friends and were able to learn more about them and find numerous connections between us all showing just how similar we all are despite the vast ocean between us.

Happy Birthday David, hope you had a spectacular day and your boss sent you a cool video! Today was a lot of fun over here. I started my day laying brick and mortar then cutting up wires. In the afternoon, I went to help sew the netting for the greenhouse. It was a lot of fun. I got to learn new words from the locals and while we worked together to sew the net. When I showed up in the afternoon, two of my new buddies came sprinting up to hold my hand when they saw me and they told me how much they missed me. It was so wholseome!  We also learned a new game here called skippy. You make a triangle out of rope then jump over each side. The rope gets higher up each round. Us students started playing and it only took a few seconds for the kids to take over. Lastly, I spent most of my day with Jack Miller. Throughout the day he managed to fall, almost knock me out twice, and almost jump on one of the children. Good news, there's a video of the last one!

Love, Donald and Emma :)

Dear Parents, this is Dr. Rosenberg, I just wanted to say how proud I am of your students. They have accomplished so much, they have touched the lives of so many, and are a total pleasure to be with. I am lucky to be able to share this experience with them.

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