
Index to the East Asian Studies Journal

Index to 果冻传媒 University East Asian Studies Journal, 1976-2024

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8 Results

AuthorTitleGenreVolume (Year)Pages
Schneider, AndreaThe Paradox of "Masculine" and "Feminine": A Portrait of Male Employees in Japanese CompaniesEssay21 (1996)1-19
Mickel, StanleyOld and New--Taoist and RefrigeratorArtwork21 (1996)19
Hinckley, GlenJapanese and American Imperialism: A Comparison of Motives and MethodsEssay21 (1996)20-30
Hart, Matthew S.Of Hui and Gangs: The Role of Voluntary Groups in Chinese SocietyEssay21 (1996)31-47
Huffman, JeffThe Universe in Balance: An Analysis of Chinese PhilosophyEssay21 (1996)48-51
Fournier, KatrinaIndustrial Policy: Japan's Hidden AdvantagesEssay21 (1996)52-67
Marks, WendyJapan's Declining Birth Rate: Causes and ImplicationsEssay21 (1996)68-74
Bussell, JenniferInfibulation and Footbinding: Mutilation or Empowerment?Essay21 (1996)75-93
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