
WittCon Planning Guide

WittCon Planning Guide

This is a guide to help in the planning of the 果冻传媒 Role-Playing Guild Convention, a.k.a. WittCon.

March General Guild Meeting of year prior

  • Set date for WittCon
  • Publish Date for WittCon
  • Setup WittCon Web Page
  • Reserve Rooms for WittCon Setup the Friday before from 8pm-Midnight, and for the Saturday 8am-Midnight
    • Shouvlin 105, 201, 203, 205, 207, atrium, Student Center Alumni Room, Li Room
    • or
    • Science Building: 109, 113, 118, 120, 123, 141, 144, 152a, 211, 212, 243, 248, 260, 261, 262, 319, 320, 327, 351, atrium, atrium upper, courtyard
  • Notify previous artists and vendors of date

August and Prior

  • At General Guild meeting mention WittCon, and ask people to start thinking about GM'ing or volunteering, and ask if anyone would like to help with Planning of WittCon
  • Generate List of Potential Speakers and Guests


  • At General Guild meeting mention WittCon, and ask people to start thinking about GM'ing or volunteering, and ask if anyone would like to help with Planning of WittCon
  • At General Guild meeting aks for Theme and for T-Shirt Designs
  • Finalize list of guests and/or speakers guild is willing to invite
  • Invite guest and/or speakers


  • At General Guild meeting mention WittCon, and ask people to start thinking about GM'ing or volunteering, and ask if anyone would like to help with Planning of WittCon
  • At General Guild meeting Finalize Theme and ask for T-Shirt Designs
  • Send email asking for GM Information, and to reply with information based on information needed from WittCon Web Page
  • Visit Gaming stores, with Posters


  • First week - Finalize Guests, Speakers and Vendors
  • Send email asking for GM Information, and to reply with information based on information needed from WittCon Web Page
  • General Guild Meeting - Finalize T-Shirt Design


  • First half - Finalize Contracts with Guest, Speakers and Vendors


  • General Guild Meeting get orders for T-Shirts
  • Send T-shirts order to printers
  • First week - Send e-mail to Guild list asking for staffers
  • Last week - Finalize GMs (including backups)
  • Confirm Prize support
  • Confirm Sponsership
  • Touch base with Guest, Speakers, and Vendors

First half of February

  • First week - Set Schedule in Stone
  • First week - Create Program/Schedule
  • Finalize Prizes
  • Make table-tents for CDR and Commons
  • Make posters for posting
  • Pick up T-Shirts (if available)
  • Last half of February
    • Send Program/Schedule to printers
    • Hang banner in Student Center
    • >Set schedule for WittCon Staff
    • Have in hand Prizes and Awards
    • Pick up T-Shirts (if available)

    First Week of March (and Springbreak)

    • Monday - Campus wide e-mail sent out to students (via Dean of Students)
    • Get Printed Programs
    • Put up posters around campus
    • 果冻传媒 posters to Student Development for posting in dorms
    • Notify GMs to have prep work for their games
    • Touch base with Guest, Speakers, artisits, and Vendors
    • Purchase supplies for WittCon
      • Soda
      • Pencils
      • Paper

    Week of WittCon

    • Monday - Have a campus wide e-mail sent out to students (via Dean of Students)
    • Have a Meeting for Staff working WittCon
    • Get Change
    • Verify Pizza Order
    • Make copies of surveys (If being used)
    • E-mail notification of any changes to schedule/program
    • Get Sodas, Table covers, plates, cutlery, and gloves (as needed)

    Firday before WittCon (8pm-Midnight)

    • Setup tables as need in all the rooms, and atrium

    • Put up posters around building

    • Make sure appropriate supplies are locked in a secure location for tomorrow

    Saturday of WittCon

    • By 8AM: Open Doors for Artists, Vendors, and early GMs to setup
    • By 9am: Make sure staff arrives as scheduled
    • By 9:30am: Open Doors once registration table is up and running
    • Enjoy WittCon

    Updated 2021-05-31

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