
Star Wars Adventures in the Cron Drift

Star Wars

Adventures in the Cron Drift

Fall 2003 - Spring 2004

The adventures of four New Republic citizens as they try to help open diplomatic ties with the Cron Drift for the New Republic.

  • Characters
  • Ben - a young Human Jedi in training
  • Chadra - a Rodian Scroundrel
  • Kadlo - a Duros Fringer
  • Kraig - a Human Ubergeek (Techie in other terms)
  • Roshan - a Human Solider
  • Nar-Ny - a Saltrushian scoundrel

For your enjoyment a few choice quotes:

"If jedi can lift ships they sure as hell can pull off sucky things" - Roshan

"Some get Obi-wan, some get Luke, we get Ben" - Roshan

"You open the sarcophagus, and out comes a huge dark evil ghostly figure, who hovers over the sarcophagus and smiles menacingly." - GM
"I look in the sarcophagus." - Nar-Ny
"You see a dark thick swirling mist of evil." - GM
"No loot?" - Nar-Ny
"No loot, just the dark thick swirling mist of evil." - GM
"Darn" - Nar-Ny

A Short Stop at Bimmisaari

Bimmisaari Log Entry #1

What a trip this is going to be, although I'm wary of the amount of money that is going to be made. Although we are going get paid some credits and have free use of a freighter for this mission from the New Republic. We actually had a meeting with Leia herself, I'm sure that will come in handy in business negotiations.

Basically we are being sent to the Cron Drift to scout the place out for possible new business ... I mean diplomatic opportunities, or at least find out as much as possible about what needs to be done for diplomatic negotiations to be opened up with the populace of this drift. What a great opportunity to scout out new merchandise and selling old merchandise, no diplomatic ties means a lack of trade ties too. Might be able to sell some cheap items, as novelties in the Cron Drift, like those cheap toys from ....oh wait...this is a diplomatic mission. On the way to the Cron Drift we are supposed to make a quick stop at a planet called Bimmisaari for I guess just a quick hello, and a supply stop.

Along with me for this mission is a young human Jedi named Ben. He appears to be very young and doesn't look like he knows which end of a light-saber is what just yet. Then there is Roshan, a brash solider. Brash is a good way to put him, since when we met Leia one could hear him muttering some colorful remarks under his breath. Who knew one could actually whisper a whistle. Later at the freighter we met our pilot, a Duros named Kadlo. Kadlo so far seems laid back and more concerned with him so far, not much more than that to say.

Well we are off to the Cron Drift, for the glory of the New Republic and maybe a couple of credits along the way. Dang it, I forgot to fill the hold with those cheap toys.

Bimmisaari Log Entry #2

Quick stop was a very optimistic thing to say. We are now stuck on Bimmisaari, thanks to those nasty Hutts. They've blockaded us in because of some stupid reason or another. I'm wishing I had filled the empty holds of this freighter with some weapons or something, since blockades make good customers of the local revolting populace, as well as good profit.

We've joined forces with the underground revolt against the blockade, mostly because we sort of got off to a bad foot with the Hutt minions, by shooting at them and stealing one of their junky little hover sleds. Although they shot at us first, since they probably thought we were trying to escape the blockade.

All we did was walk down the street heading back to our ship; I guess it was just the wrong street. The little fracas was not that bad for the first round with a new group. I must admit to having a few good shots, Kadlo and Roshan also got a few. Although it seemed that we only barely survived because we were up against some bumbling lackeys. They tended to drop their weapons, which was beneficial to us since we were quick enough to pick them up and use them in our favor. Sadly the bumbling didn't help us either. Ben dropped his light-saber, much to our chagrin, but fortunately enough he dropped it where he could quickly pick it up before he dove into a hover sled near by. Granted he paid for it by getting blasted pretty hard as he dove into the sled.

If it weren't for the amount of blood in the bottom of the hover sled, we might have been able to salvage a good price for it. The scratch marks on the back from where Kadlo backed over the few remaining lackeys probably wouldn't have helped either, that was after Kadlo had a problem figuring out how to start the thing.

Bimmisaari Log Entry #3

We are now part of the underground resistance to the blockade for sure. We've been met by a local whose father was a Minister in the local government before the blockade. It is always a good idea to have business contacts within the government, or uh...be sympathetic to the local causes. Her parents were being held in a small prison at the center of one of the many plazas in the city, and since we had "shown" ourselves capable in the last run in with the occupying forces she asked us to help in saving them.

Roshan of course was all for it, or all for saving her from the plight of being a good looking woman without a date maybe. I don't think he was very good in his negotiations for that type of payment. Apparently since this is a blockade and things are tight, we might not get any recompense at all for this, except a nice government official to call upon for favors later.

Once we made it to the plaza we crouched behind the nearest wall to the prison, which would provide us cover without being seen. It didn't seem that things would be too bad off; there were only two guards at the door to the make-shift prison, and two "merchant officer-types" watching them from on the steps.

We spent some time trying to watch the guards and the officers so that we might be able to catch a glimpse of the pass-code to the prison door, but that didn't work very well. A few screams of pain from within the prison made us aware that our business contact, I mean the prisoners were not being treated fairly. The time to act was now, and since these were Hutt cronies, I figured money was a good way to get the job done.

Kadlo and I proceeded to walk up to the merchant officers, leaving Ben and Roshan behind the wall as backup. As we approached one of the merchant officers walked off, but not thinking much of it we let him wander off, thinking he was just possibly making rounds. Besides it is always easier to bluff with one person than with two. The remaining merchant officer was suspicious of us, but my story of the business partner who they were holding captive owing me money didn't seem to impress upon him the need for us to get into the prison. But once I mentioned that we would let him have a slice of the money my friend owed me he perked up a bit. When we told him we would give him a small slice of about 1,000 credits he bumbled over himself and gave us the pass-code to get into the prison.

I then proceeded to the prison entrance where the two guards stood, while Kadlo walked a bit behind me. The two guards were not very convinced we were supposed to be there, even after telling them that if we knew the pass-code we must be ok to be there. Then things went bad.

One of the guards didn't like me trying to open the prison door and tried to stop me with a blaster shot. Fortunately he was not a good shot and missed me. The other guard quickly turned on Kadlo and began to attack him. Ben and Roshan came out from behind the wall where they were hiding and began to attack the guards as well. So began the fire fight.

Kadlo was really good, and took out the first merchant officer, while Kadlo and Roshan together took out the one guard. Meanwhile I opened the door to the prison and dashed in to talk to the prisoners. With the fire-fight going on outside I tried to convince them that we were there to save them. Finding the minister in the group, and mentioning his daughter had sent us, convinced them that we were there to rescue them. The problem was that they, especially an old wounded solider, were not convinced we could actually do it.

How was some simple Rodian supposed to save them from the blaster wielding guards outside, was their problem, since up to that point they had only seen me from the rescue party. The various blaster shots from outside didn't do much to convince them either that a rescue party was really a rescue party. I then proceeded to spin a yarn about how we were so good and brave and dedicated to saving their lives and rescuing them that we would throw ourselves at the guards if need be to manage their escape provided they would just follow me and run out the door.

hmm...uh...hmm....how to say what happened next...

Well I turned took one step outside the door and was suddenly shot at point blank by the remaining guard. Sure enough the prisoners were not impressed by seeing me blasted against the door frame and seeing nearly all my blood pouring on to the ground, that blood which hadn't been burned into the door frame by the blaster shot that is.

Remembering what I had said about throwing ourselves at the guards to protect them, and realizing that the universe was a bit funny, since I had lied about doing this, I threw myself at the guard thinking I could tackle the guard to the ground and let the prisoners run past and free. Sudden loss of blood does two obvious things; first it makes one a bit clouded in the head, since I don't know why I thought I could tackle the guard who was bigger than me. Secondly it makes one lose consciousness a lot quicker after being thrown by a bigger-than-me guard, who promptly threw me to the ground where I can't remember anything more about that day.

From what the others have told me the following tid-bits happened while I was either with the prisoners or barely alive.

After Kadlo and Roshan had killed one of the guards, the second merchant officer returned with four more guards. Ben promptly charged at them and proceeded to attack them. After a spectacular fight, Ben made an amazing slice where with his light-saber he sliced into four of them in one fell swoop giving them considerable damage. He proceeded to kill them with ease after that. Roshan was the one who ran to my aide and with the help of one of the prisoners prevented me from dying and dragged me to safety.

To say the least this short stop at Bimmisaari is turning out to be a bit longer and trying then I expected.

Bimmisaari Log Entry #4

I guess Roshan was better than I had thought; it seems he had gotten a date with a girl after all, since he wasn't around when we were approached by the queen of Bimmisaari. She wanted us to help her get into her royal palace where she could regain control of her planet or have access to the equipment to do so. All she needed was help crossing the main courtyard at the entranceway. Of course realizing that a Queen made for a better political ally than a minis....I mean we all realized the need to help the struggling people of Bimmisaari, and helping the Queen would be very helpful to them indeed, we agreed to help them, even though we were one person short on our team.

As I expected, this wasn't going to be a simple matter. The courtyard was filled with guards, one of whom was on a hover-gun platform. But to make things more interesting was a double-barreled tank too. With the three of us, the Queen, her hand-maiden and two of her personal body-guards, who didn't seem inclined to do much except run along side the queen, a tank and a mass of guards was a big deal.

All that was needed was to get the Queen into the palace, but it required a mad dash around the tank and guards. So a simple distraction to make the guards and all look one way while the Queen and her group ran the other way was the best plan we had. I was all for a march protesting the Queen and regaling the Hutt and their blockade. I figured who would shoot on a bunch of protesters especially when they were supporting them. That idea didn't go down well, since it was figured that they might shot anyways. Instead it was decided that I would play a drunken local and sing loudly enough that they couldn't ignore me and walk in the other direction.

With my best effort I stumbled forth singing as loudly and badly, or basically just singing, as I could and stumbling as best I could in front of the guards. It worked for most of the guards who promptly turned my way. Unfortunately my not stopping when they asked me to, just made things worse, since they decided it was easier to shoot a drunkard than try to arrest one. Luckily my stumbling made it hard to hit me.

Once the guards started shooting at me the group began their dashes across the courtyard. Kadlo came out firing at the large group of guards around the tank, Ben charged at the guard on the hover-platform and the two along with them to tie them up, while the Queen and company made a delayed run following Ben.

As I tried to dodge the shots from the guards firing at me and firing back, Kadlo had managed to charge close enough to the tank to jump on it. This was a good thing since, Ben had been doing well to fend off the guards he was attacking, and the tank had spotted the Queen's group as they were running across the courtyard. The tank began was able to take a shot at the group, before Kadlo tried to shove something down the barrel. But then the tank took the next shot Kadlo must have had his arm still in the barrel because he was blown off the tank.

Ben proceeded to tie up the guards as the queen and company ran behind him towards the palace entrance. At this point the Tank was taking a pretty good aim on the Queen and her party. Seeing that they might not make it to inside the entrance before the tank got a shot off at the Queen I made a mad dash toward the palace entrance from across the courtyard. I don't know how I managed it but I ran faster than I have ever run before, but I got there just in time to tackle the Queen into the doorway before the tank could take a shot at the Queen. It was a good thing, too, because the Tank did get a shot off and killed one of her bodyguards instead.

Once we got the Queen into palace, and not wanting to become part of a siege I than proceeded to run out the palace entrance and into a back alley behind Kadlo, before the Tank and guards could get a bead on me. Ben meanwhile had dashed off into another alleyway.

I took a nice little nap after that. That was a lot of running to do. Kadlo fortunately didn't lose his arm, but got scorched pretty good, apparently he tried to stick a blaster clip into the tank barrel in an attempt to disable it. Ben meanwhile had been swinging away with his light-saber as best he could to keep the guards off the Queen and her party, and was reveling in how he was able to do something with his light-saber for once, instead of just the lucky swing he had last time. Roshan seemed to have done well for himself since he hasn't gotten back yet, probably still on his date.

Bimmisaari Log Entry #5

With the blockade over, we had time to get stitched up from the ruckus that we were all a part of. A few dignitaries showed up to celebrate the liberation, but unfortunately I couldn鈥檛 get any of them to sign any of the nice "commemorative" items I had. They would have been worth a few credits. Imagine a Hutt blaster used during their siege of Bimmisaari signed by the Queen of Bimmisaari. That would have fetched a few credits I'm sure. But none of the big-wigs would sign anything; even after all we did to help them out. They were even more reluctant to sign things at the funeral for the fallen heroes of the struggle.

At this funeral an elder Jedi named Ohmersi was "laid to rest." Or at least his robe was cremated. He was Ben's mentor, who was I guess trying to meet Ben here on Bimmisaari, but was side-tracked by the whole Blockade. Well that was a nice little funeral, shame the robe had to have been burned though, they go for a lot of cred....uh...it was a shame he didn't survive.

Before we could leave we were asked to partake of one more mission on behalf of the Queen of Bimmisaari. We were approached by Laila, the daughter of the minister who approached us before, and to our surprise and not just a little amusement we found out that she was Roshan's date for the previous night. All I can say about this is the less said about the date probably the better.

Laila was to guide us to some people who were not very keen on rejoining the Queen's rule over Bimmisaari. Being the nice people we were we decided to help out this time. After we were promised a good wage for the job, and that we were not going to be charged for any damage to the land-speeder that was being loaned to us we set out on the mission.

With Kadlo driving and Laila navigating, we spent a long journey from the city to the some far off swampy jungle. While navigating through the swamp there was the sudden sound of a huge crack, and a big tree began to fall in our way. Ben quickly used some jedi trick to slow the fall of the tree, which allowed Kadlo to take evasive action so that we wouldn't fly smack into the tree.

Despite avoiding the tree, we were still in trouble. Suddenly a huge beast, which I assume knocked the tree down, charged out of the swamp and knocked the land speeder over sending us all across the swamp (I knew getting a waiver against any damage to the land speeder was a good one). In the midst of all of this Laila yelled out that it was something called a Grak. Either way it was big scaly and quite menacing.

At first Kadlo didn't seem to scared by it, but when the Grak hit him, Kadlo started to scramble up a nearby tree. Laila, Roshan and I all ran for cover behind some fallen tress. Ben pulled out his light-saber and began to attack the beast. He even got a really good slice in on it too. Roshan was able to get a shot or two in as well, while Kadlo tried to get higher in the tree.

It probably would have been better if I followed Kadlo up the tree. I lost a relatively good blaster in the fire-fight. First it jammed. Then I tried to fire it again, but instead of the sound of a blaster all I heard was the splash as I dropped it into the swamp. Looking back on the loss of the blaster, it wasn't a bad thing, since it was one picked up from one of the Hutt's minions, so I didn't lose any money by losing it. But now I was without a blaster, I quickly ran to take cover behind Laila who had started firing at the beast.

While Ben continued to press his attack against the Grak, Kadlo had made it up to a branch on the tree and proceeded to throw a stick at the Grak. This distracted it long enough, that he was able to throw a wad of stuff into its mouth. Whatever it was it seemed to have had a affect on the beast, as it seemed to get a bit more sluggish. This allowed Roshan to get a really good shot off at the beast, and Kadlo got the final shot off killing it.

It was a pleasant thing to hear another splash, this time louder than the one my blaster made as it hit the swampy water. As Kadlo was climbing out of the tree he fell. While I helped Kadlo out of the swamp, Roshan stepped up and with Ben's help sliced off two of its claws as trinkets of the battle.

We then proceeded deeper into the swamp on foot, since the land-speeder was a total loss. Who thought the toughest part of trip so far was to result from the fact we didn't have a land-speeder. During our hike, Kadlo and Laila both stepped onto a crusted layer of some kind of quicksand. Both of them fell into the quicksand, and I was just barely able to not fall in myself.

Ben used his Jedi powers to keep Laila from drowning in the quicksand, while Roshan and I proceeded to try and pull her out with a branch we had. Kadlo on the other hand, in his own attempt to get out went under several times. It seemed he was about to go under for the last time, just as we pulled Laila out, but Ben proceeded to use his powers again to save Kadlo. That river of quicksand like stuff did more to actually kill us then anything else up to that point. Kadlo nearly drowned, Ben almost passed out from using his Jedi powers. On the plus side, I not having a blast didn't have that much of an impact on the problem.

Finally we made it to the outskirts of some ruins deep in the swamp. Before we could proceed into the ruins, Ben stopped us saying there was something evil here. Not having a blaster I took a step back, and let Ben, Roshan and Kadlo take care of the evil that was there. It turns out that it was some mutated kind of bush, Laila called it a Tangler. Being only a bush Roshan and Kadlo quickly killed it.

We then proceeded into the ruins, to find the "renegades" that we were to try and persuade to return to the Queen's government. The ruins were kind of disappointing. They we mostly brick and crumbling statues. No artifacts or objects that would fetch anything on the market. The statues were too big and crumbly to make it worth trying to move and sell them. What might have fetched any credits seemed to have been already taken.

My dismay at the lack of anything worth a credit was interrupted by a us stumbling across a nasty looking fellow in black. Now I'm not totally stupid, but anybody dressed all in black and standing in the middle of such ruins is not a good person to run into in ruins in the middle of a swamp. I quickly ran for cover. Roshan, Kadlo and Ben stood up and made a go of it against the guy. Roshan had a few good shots in, Kadlo got one or two in as well. Ben tried to get some attacks in, but I seemed to do better when I was able to hit the guy with a brick. The guy in black proceeded to tear into Kadlo, and had him on the verge of death before he disappeared into the mist.

Why he disappeared I couldn't say, but it was a good thing since it gave me time to patch up Kadlo. When I went to use Kadlo's med-pack (I wasn't going use my med-packs I spent my money on!) I found out what Kadlo had thrown at the Grak earlier. Kadlo's med-pack was missing all of its pain-killers and anesthetics. Kadlo had tossed them all at the Grak to slow it down. Blast him, because that meant I had to use the stuff from my med-pack to help him out. He definitely owes me now.

Bimmisaari Log Entry #6

After patching up Kadlo so that he wasn't dying, we marched on wards into the swamp. A very short time later we came across what appeared to be the camp of the "renegades." We propped Kadlo up against an old tree and proceeded to enter the camp. Well I prodded Laila to enter the camp and try and reason with them, but then I had to go back her up. Apparently I didn't convince him, because he wanted to talk to a Jedi instead of me. Fortunately for me no money was on the line so I figured Ben could handle this.

Well I'm glad this wasn't a business deal. Ben didn't exactly wow them with his abilities. Moving small rocks didn't impress the Hungain leader, who the renegades turned out to be. But then Ben thought about something and a ghostly figure appeared. It turned out he was able to summon his old dead master, Ohmersi at will. The sudden appearance on the ghost Jedi did something as the hungain renegades got a little jumpy.

Being in the middle of a jumpy group of renegades, Hungain or not, didn't make me feel very comfortable. Laila and I slowly backed away from Ben and his ghostly master. It was a good thing we did too, because suddenly a destroyer droid rolled out from behind a fallen ruin. If that were not bad enough, an evil Jedi named Sabor Jibbs stepped out of a ruin as well.

Just as the shooting started, Ben tossed me his blaster since I didn't have a weapon to use. Roshan, who had stepped up with us earlier, was the first to take a hit, but it didn't seem to hurt him too much. As I tried to take a shot at the Droid, Ben's blaster lost power as the power cell went bad on me. Which meant I owed him a power cell for his blaster, dang it.

As Roshan retreated with us he managed to get a good shot off on the droid, which made its shield crackle a lot. Meanwhile I ran back to cover with Kadlo who kept screaming about wanting talk about things or something. He must have been delirious from his wounds or something. But once he realized that blaster fire wasn't a form of talking he whipped off a shot that hit the droid, along with a shot from Roshan as well.

Not having a weapon, I did the best I could and started throwing bricks at the droid. At least I wouldn't have to pay anyone back for lost bricks. Nor did they cost me anything.

All of a sudden Roshan gets hit really hard by the droid and I had to drag him behind the wall where Kadlo and I had found cover. Ben ran back to check on Roshan and try and help him if he needed it. At this point we learned that a wall only provides cover from the enemy if the enemy is on the other side of it. All of us were on the one side of the wall now. And when I say all of us, I mean Kadlo, Roshan, Me, Ben and now the droid. Sabor was just sort of watching us.

My quick thinking made me realize how much better it was to have the wall between me and the droid; I jumped to the other side. Unfortunately in my quick thinking I forgot that Sabor was on the other side of the wall, and was reminded of this by a blaster shot from Sabor which hurt pretty hard, but not enough to take me out.

With the only weapon I had at hand I figured it would be easiest to take out that droid then a Jedi, especially since I figured I had a better chance to defeat a droid than a Jedi. I mean a droid has a harder time avoiding a brick then a Jedi would, because the Jedi has that crazy ability to move things just thinking about it. Since Ben can move small pebbles, I figured this guy was much better and could easily move a tossed brick. So with that in mind I tossed another brick at the droid. This time hitting it right on the shield and causing it to do nothing more than disintegrate my brick.

Or at least I thought disintegrate my brick. It sort of felt as if the brick bounced off the shield and hit me square in the head. More like hit my brain that was inside my head actually. In any manner it felt like a brick was being used to smash my brains out through my ears. Yes I do have big ears being a Rodian, but it still hurts!

As my head cleared from this bricking, I was able to see Ben charge from his side of the wall towards the droid. It would have been darned impressive if it weren't for the fact he got shot on the way. It didn't hurt him too much but it did cause him to lose his speed. It was Kadlo who鈥檚 shot on the droid that actually caused the droid to look seriously damaged.

Seeing as how my brick didn't do anything against the droid I figured it was worth trying to heave one at the Jedi. He dodged it, as expected with ease. He also didn't take kindly to me tossing it at him, because he promptly shot at me and hit me hard. But maybe it was the bravery with which I took the shot, and how even though I fell to the ground from it, how I glared at him through the grimace of my pain he became scared. Yes it was the glint in my eye, not from the pain but of determination to get him. Yes that was it, he ran because I scared him.

It wasn't the fact that Kadlo's shot had caused some serious damage to the droid, which caused the droid to run. Nor was it the fact that Kadlo destroyed the fleeing droid that scared Sabor. It was my heroic jumping into the line of fire that caused him to flee.

After we, I mean I, scared off the dark Jedi, the Hungains seemed to come quietly back to the camp, after having fled the fighting. This time they seemed friendlier than before but apparently not sure of why they were friendlier, because they didn't know that they were unfriendly. In any case we were able to return to the capital having accomplished the task of bringing the renegade Hungain, back in to the fold.

Upon returning to the capital it turned out the celebrations were still going on. Kadlo decided now would be a good time to test out his skill at racing in the local circuits, and Ben decided to join in as well. Not having any money I could make any wagers on the races. Luckily enough it wasn't a bad thing I didn't have the money. Ben actually won more races than Kadlo did, granted Kadlo won one race in face, while Ben won two in five.

In the meantime, Ben order some parts for something from Coruscant, apparently he is going to try build his own light-saber from parts left to him by his former master. I'm hoping it turns out well considering his early exploits handling a light-saber. Of course I'm not one to make snide remarks I guess about handling a weapon, but this time I should be better prepared. I bought two blaster pistols, so if one goes bad I don't have to borrow one from someone.

That is it for the stop at Bimmisaari. We've started on our true journey to the Cron drift, which is after a day of travel already is only another day to go. Of course I've just no realized I forgot to fill the hold with stuff......

Adventures on Saltrusha

Saltrusha Log Entry #1

Well the trip from Bimmisaari wasn't too bad, it probably wouldn't have been as scary if I hadn't lost the data pad that had the information we needed to get landing clearance. But after scrounging around the ship I found it and we were allowed to land. Geez...a huge ship with no cargo and I still lost a data pad.

Once we landed at the capital we then proceeded to the diplomatic section to meet our contact, a Saltrushian senator named Ri-Lani-Ro. Now being a Rodian I have a hard time pronouncing names, but this one was a tricky one, luckily for us the data pad was able to help us in how to pronounce it correctly. Granted it must have looked a bit odd that a group of people were wandering the streets constantly saying the same name over and over again. Of course considering how out of place we looked to begin with I doubt that would have made much of a difference in separating us out from the people we were walking by. It also didn't help that Kadlo decided to skip along during part of the trip.

To give you an idea of what a Saltrushian looks like, they are almost as tall as a Wookie and almost as hairy, but some places have no hair. Also their names sort of dictate they place in society, both in the order and if they are capitalized or not, as I was to learn later. The first part of the name is their title, the second is their actual name and then its their job last. So a Ri-Lani-Ro is has a job of Ro with a title of Ri, and is more important that someone who is Ri-Lani-ro, because the job is capitalized.

We made our way to the big dome in the center of the city, it wasn't hard to find that, data pad or not. It was huge and I mean big enough to house several starships. So it was easy for us to get there. Alas though the offices we needed happened to be on the other side of the Capital building and we couldn't get in, so we had to walk what seemed like a half a days journey around it to get to the offices.

Once there the guards didn't seem to be inclined to help us, and the imposing weapon detector didn't seem to help us feel better about our situation. One guard didn't like the look of us, and went back to make a call to some higher up. Meanwhile Kadlo talked up the guard, at the weapon detector. Kadlo tells me his name was Ri-salv-da and now a good friend of his. While waiting for the other guard to return I noticed the power plug for the weapon detector was out in the open, and how easy it would be to just unplug it. It is a shame that such a nice piece of equipment, probably expensive, is easily made worthless and useless simply because of some stupid thing like leaving the plug out in the open. Obviously the security systems installation people are really cheap, such shoddy workmanship.

Before I could convince Ben to do a Jedi "pull-the-plug" trick, an Officer, who was named Rin-Salo-Do, with a really expensive uniform, stepped through the door. Considering the workmanship and design of this guys outfit, I now know why they were cheap on the security; those uniforms must have required short-changing the budgets for everything else in order to pay for the fancy uniform of just this one guy. Then again a man with this kind of expensive outfit must be hiding something.

It鈥檚 just the economics of the bad and the good. The Bad guys are always dressed well because they have the money to spend, after having taken it, and they spend it on themselves. The good guys don't dress as well, because they only have money that鈥檚 given to them from legitimate means, and when they do get it they spend it on other things like helping others. So you always have to be wary of someone in a really nice looking outfit, they have a lot of money to spend on themselves, just where they got it you have to wonder.

Sorry...back to the situation at hand, I'll skip Ben's little attempt at a salute. Considering it probably made the situation worse. This office informed us that Ri-Lani-Ro, was on her way to becoming the Ra of the Senate, which is the highest position for this place I guess. Because of her rise in political power there have been some things that need to be taken care of. Apparently a rapist has returned to doing her old tricks in the area. This concerns Ri-Lani-Ro, because the rapist is a member of her clan. So it would be nice to show how effective Ri-Lani-Ro is politically if the jes-ne (notice only two names and both lower case, must be really low) character were stopped. Ri-Lani-Ro would be most impressed and appreciative if this were to be taken care of for her, and it would show her how helpful the Republic is.

After agreeing to help with this task, we learned that jes-ne is doing her tricks near a local bar named Bixroba's Pub and More. She is dark haired a bit shorter than other Saltrushians and has Aqua colored eyes, which is apparently not the norm for Saltrushians. She started her life of...pleasure at others expenses, 5 years ago, when someone she met at a bar apparently didn't have enough to drink to find her worth spending a night with. She proceeded to take charge of the situation whether the guy wanted to or not. Her clan took her into custody and out of kindness forgave her for the incident, but she wasn't thrilled with this. Apparently she was original called Jes-ne, but after this they called her jes-ne, see the change?

With a new name she and a little bit of bitterness she took advantage of a drunken member of her clan in a manner that wasn't all together voluntary. This time she was exiled from the clan, all together. After those two incidents she kept quiet for a while until recently when she appears to have started doing her tricks again.

Once we were given all this information, we were given a loan of 50 Saltos from the treasury since New Republic credits were accepted here. It鈥檚 always nice to be given free money or maybe its payment up front for services rendered. Either way we have native money, which is always a good thing to have in a strange world.

With Saltos in our pockets we headed to Bixroba's Pub and More, me being more interested in the More part, while Kadlo and his new found drinking buddy, who is going to meet us at the pub later, were more interested in the Pub part. Once there we settled on a plan of action, basically the Jedi Ben would be the bait for jes-ne. Once he was picked up we would follow and rescue him and capture jes-ne. Ben was the best one for bait we figured because he looked to be the most vulnerable amongst us all. While we tried to convince Ben to be the bait, Kadlo order some drinks and talked with Bixroba about the place and things.

Bixroba gives a little bit of information, and being a business man, tells us he would like the rapes to stop because it isn't good for business considering they are all near his place. I also learned he didn't water his drinks down, after trying to convince him to let us watch the place from the other side of the bar.

Finally Ben with slight trepidation agrees to be the bait, and Bixroba at Kadlo's insistence gives Ben a table by himself, to act as the bait. The night passed by quietly, only one couple left together during the time we waited. Ben didn't seem very happy about the night either, even though Roshan and I sent him a drink to try and cheer him up. Having not seemed anything of apparent importance happen, and being the only people left in the place we called it a night and went back to the hotel were accommodations had been arranged.

Well something must have been slipped into our drinks, because it occurs to me know that we should have followed up on that couple that left Bixroba's. There was a rape that night near the place and it was one of the patrons. Although I do recall telling Roshan about it and him trying to tell me we should have gone after them, I think I told him it wasn't anything. Either way in a local park a poor guy got mated forcefully. It was decided we would head back to the pub today and keep a better eye out for things this time.

Most definitely something must have been given to us that was stronger than just juice, and I'm suspecting Kadlo was the culprit. Having walked to the hotel at night and a clouded mind, I totally forgot the way back to Bixroba's. Luckily my mind wasn't still hazy to notice the two thugs standing in front of us in the dead end, and the two thugs who stepped in behind us blocking our way out.

I'm not sure if Roshan's mind was still affected by the drink, because he stepped forward and growled at the thugs. And out came the weapons! I hit one of the thugs, and Roshan quickly finished him off. Kadlo with two blasters in hand took out another thug. Ben then charged at one of the two remaining thugs with his little light-saber, which he only missed with. I hit one of the two remaining thugs, and took him out. I had my back turned because I was too busy staring at the working blaster that was still in my hand that I had just used to actually take someone out, in disbelief of course because this was the first time I still had a functioning blaster at the end of an encounter. That鈥檚 why I don't know who took out the last thug, and to be honest I don't care I took one out and kept my blaster. What a savings that is, no more having to buy another one!

Kadlo took charge of the group and was able to find the way back to Bixroba's. Once there Kadlo began talking with Bixroba some more while Ben, Roshan and I sat at a table close to the door to keep our eyes peeled for anything odd happening. This time we were smart and order just plain water, so as not to fuzzy our heads up for this important task.

That was some good water, really good water. We once again sat Ben by himself to see if he could attract anything, and order another cup of the some of the best water we've ever tasted. While drinking our second cup, Ben started getting chatted up by a Saltrushian. "That will change the color of his saber". The lady chats up Ben really well and helps him out the door; we try and follow slightly behind him but lose him in the dark alleyways. We quickly picked up his trail though and ended up stopping the Saltrushian in a dead- end alleyway, but Ben was no where to be found.

The cornered Saltrushian told us her name was nea-na, I couldn't tell if they were capitalized or not, or that is what she told Roshan. But we knew otherwise, and began to shout out Ben's name to see if he was around. From behind a door we heard Ben shout back. Roshan was kind enough to break the door down after I failed to do so, and we recovered Ben while Kadlo took jes-ne into custody.

Considering the lateness of the evening, rin-kina-do was nice to us especially when we turned jes-ne over to him. In payment he said they would pay for Ben's drug treatment so that he could recover from the drugs jes-ne gave him. One less thing we needed to pay for, at least.

Saltrusha Log Entry #2

After a nice relaxing morning, of waiting for Kadlo to give up the shower, we headed back to the senatorial offices to talk to the Senator. Roshan on the way picked up a newspaper, but being in a foreign language he didn't know, he bought another one in which the pictures moved for him. Once there we were greeted by our officer friend, Rin- Salo-Do, who gave us 100 Saltos for taking care of the rapist.

Rin-Salo-Do took us aside and proceeded to give us the details of another favor the senator would like us to take care of as a sign of the New Republics efforts to be helpful. This time we needed to track down a guy who was murdering members of the Senator's clan, and had even threatened the Senator's life. During this meeting Ben kept rambling on about some nonsense or something, but we are starting to learn to ignore his little rambles of gibberish. Maybe the Force is causing him some brain damage or something that he can't think before speaking, we don't know at this point yet.

Apparently this murderer sticks to killing people in the backstreets of the city. More interesting is the fact that he uses an old Slug-thrower, or projectile weapon instead of a blaster. He shots his victims in the back of the head with it. That has to be messy, and expensive. The cost of the ammunition must be big. Blaster pistols are cheap, and you only need to purchase a energy pack which are that expensive to recharge or get fresh. But once you fire a projectile that thing is lost, and you can't just recharge it, you have to buy a brand new one. It鈥檚 like throwing, or uh...shooting, good money away.

Kadlo was smart enough to secure a business card with which we could use as sort of badge. This way we wouldn't get into trouble with the local authorities over our job. Plus maybe we could use it to influence certain purchases to our advantage. Once we had our task we figured it would be best to head to Bixroba's to get some information if possible about this guy.

Its funny how bar-owners tend to know a good deal of information about everything, I guess it鈥檚 because they hear a lot of stuff from all the people who wander into their places. I bet they tend to talk more when their tongues are loose with alcohol too. The older the barkeep the more information they have, and the shadier their background tends to be. Of course they don't have to be barkeeps to be old and have shady backgrounds.

Its funny, because in one system I went to they were very paranoid about the young people getting strange ideas of adventure and evil-doing that the government passed a law that shutdown bars and side-street food vendors. The side-street food vendors were the first to go since the people running them seemed to attract the most youngsters and old folk too, and they always had information and shady pasts. But it was reasoned that shutting them down, followed by the bars, would get rid of those people with shady pasts or at least prevent them from having a means of passing it on to others. It at first sounded like a very good idea, until the law caused some of the places where the lawmakers would hang-out to be closed down. The law was quickly repealed once the lawmakers own "bar" was threatened to be shut down by it.

Even funnier yet was the fact that my buddy owned the place and he had the shadiest past of them all, and had the best information on things going on, especially since his customers were lawmakers. The information he had was worth the ......uh..nevermind.

On the way to Bixroba's it seemed there were some people in the crowd who were not to happy to see us, as they tended to skirt out of our way or dodge into alleyways as we passed. Bixroba on the other hand welcomed us really well, and even gave Ben his usual table by himself. Kadlo tried to be subtle in asking for information, but Roshan being the brash soldier just jumped right in asking for information. Bixroba said he could help for a price, and my ploy of pleading poverty by showing Roshan's cheap paper didn't work. Partly because Roshan pulled out the more expensive moving picture one first.

Then I was able to with great skill convince Bixroba to accept 25 Saltos and...well....our socks. Yes, he took our socks as payment for information. He had asked for the rest of the money to be in New Republic currency which I promptly said was our socks, and had everyone in our party take off and hand to him. Not believing this I explained to him that if socks were not valuable we wouldn't keep them on our feet. We kept them on our feet because that way no-one could steal them.

Bixroba proceeded to tell us that the place to begin to look was just as smelly as our local currency, the sewers. They tended to be a good way to sneak around the city without being seen. He than gave us directions to the nearest sewer entrance, so that we could begin investigating. Before leaving I checked to see how much a slug-thrower would cost, and it came out to about 300 Saltos. This means that at some point I had to figure out how much a Saltos was in New Republic currency to figure out really if that is a lot or not.

Once again I should not lead anyone anywhere. Kadlo had to help us get back on track, since I got us lost. Why do they insist on following me? We should just start out following Kadlo from the start. As we are trouncing around Ben suddenly spotted someone that looked like our murderer so we all took off after him. Around a corner we spot him jumping down a hole into the sewers, Ben and Roshan quickly go down after him, Kadlo followed shortly after, and I went last. I was not jumping into a sewer after a murderer first. Its not that I'm a coward I'm just giving up my bit of the glory to cover our backs is all.

Once down in the sewers and our eyes adjusted to the scene, we were standing at a dead- end with the ladder leading up behind us. Down the sewer a bit stood the man we were chasing at an intersection. I'm not sure if it was really a good thing my eyes adjusted to see things better in the sewer because I was able to see the Mynocks coming our way. As the Mynocks fly at us the man flipped a switch, and he took off down one of the passages. The switch must have done something because there was a loud crashing sound, like a falling ceiling. The good thing was that it wasn't the ceiling above us that fell; the bad part was the noise appeared to have disturbed some pretty big rats, and they appeared to believe we were the ones who caused the loud noise.

I try to stop the whole bad situation by shooting at the Mynocks, but I miss and get a nice scratch as a result. Kadlo was nice enough to shoot that Mynock out of the air in retaliation for injuring me. Shame he didn't take out the other Mynock who scratched me in return for the death of his friend.

Ben whips out his little light saber and swings it around really well, and promptly singes the hair on one of the big sewer rats. He was much better in hitting the rat that charged at Roshan though, partly because the rat had to run right by him to get to Roshan. The singed rat took the chance and bite into Ben.

I tried another shot at one of the remaining Mynocks and was able to hit it but, not enough to kill it. Kadlo tried to show me up by firing his two blasters at two different mynocks, which didn't impress anyone much since it didn't hit either of them. Which was a shame since one of the mynocks caught me with one of his wings giving me another scratch.

Ben manages to finally take a good slice out of one of the rats, and because of the confines of the sewer and the clutter of people Roshan couldn't get out from behind Ben to get any shots off at any of the creatures attacking us. Although it wasn't a problem for the Rats, one of them turned around and took a nice chunk out of one of my legs, which hurt a lot.

Kadlo again tried his two shots at two different creatures and again misses. Taking the opportunity afforded by not being killed yet, the first rat and another rat use their time to try and kill me and begin to gnaw on my legs some more.

Ben finally uses his light-saber to do more than singe a rat and takes a considerable slice out of the one he burnt earlier. I wish it had been a different one, because one of the other rats practically bit my leg off at this point.

Roshan at this point tried to step forward and appeared to try and catch one of the rats on fire with his newspaper that he had apparently set a fire earlier. The problem was he missed the rat with the flaming newspaper but didn't catch the rat with the paper. This wasn't a bad thing since it must have distracted one of the rats enough that they didn't bite me, they bit Ben instead.

Kadlo, seeing the fact his two different shots at two different creatures, concentrated both his blasters on one Mynock and hits it in the air. Ben sees that it is possible to hit one of the creatures takes his cue, slices and kills the rat in front of him.

Apparently in a dark sewer, having a flaming object that lights the place up isn't a good thing to have in combat. One of the Rats turns and takes a nasty bite out of Roshan. Roshan retaliates by throwing his flaming newspaper at the rat, and causes its fur to singe. The other rat proceeded to take a nice bite out of Ben, I guess because I was so bitten and chewed up I didn't pose much of a concern to it.

Kadlo tries his two blaster shot one aiming for a rat and another aiming for a Mynock. Amazingly Kadlo hits both of them. The rat just simple exploded from the shot, the Mynock sort of burst in the air too. Ben tries to do his bit, charges with his light-saber and chops the last Mynock out of the air. Kadlo meanwhile blasts the last rat with a very lucky shot.

Roshan, Ben and I slumped to the sewer floor to gather our strength, because we had all managed to have been partial eaten by these sewer creatures. The stench of the sewer mixing with singed rat hair, and burnt flesh didn't help matters. At least we weren't able to smell out stinking sock-less feet anymore. None-the-less all I could do to not pass out was to sit along the wall and try and not bleed too much.

Kadlo having not received any damage charged down the sewer chasing after the man who we were chasing. A short bit later all we hear is a gate open and a lot of rushing water. Kadlo came back shortly after that saying he had chased the man down, and hit him with a blaster shot, but he got away.

We figured it would best to go find a hospital and heal ourselves up. The rats and mynocks took a good deal out of us, and they were just sewer creatures. Attacking anything that was more intelligent might have been worse. Besides Ben was concerned about blisters on his feet, since we didn't have any socks.

Saltrusha Log Entry #3

We spent a day or two in the hospital to rest up at the Senator's expense. Hey why not take advantage of the free stay while we can. After which we headed back to Bixroba's to see if we could get more information.

Roshan had the notion that our bad guy was working with someone, and started to ask Bixroba about possible hiring of people around the area, and if Bixroba had any information on the bad guy. Bixroba of course had no information about this. But Kadlo manages to get a map of the sewers from Bixroba for 50 Saltos. Although I'm not sure the map was really worth it, might have been able to get a copy of the map from the city planning authority, then again did we really have several months to go through that bureaucracy to get a map. Maybe the 50 Saltos was worth it.

From Bixroba's we headed out to the area where we had dropped into the sewers and got smacked around considerably by the beasties down there. This time we figured it was best to maybe find another entrance into the sewers. Hopefully it would also be a safer entrance. Alas after wandering around in two separate groups we didn't find another manhole cover. This meant we had to go back into the sewers the way we had before.

We opened the manhole cover and proceeded to go down the ladder. All of a sudden the ladder collapses under the weight of us and we all crash down into the sewer water at the bottom. Well not all of us, a few of us happened to land of those who went down the ladder before us. The mucky water though must have caused some concern for Ben though, because he suddenly started to try and convince us we should use his grappling hook and line to escape out of the sewers. I think he, being still a little young, was using this as an excuse to brag about his grappling hook and line. We were able to convince Ben though that we actually wanted to be in the sewers in the first place and didn't want to escape. Well at least not escape just yet.

With our weapons at the ready we proceed through the mucky sewers towards the area of the sewers that became blocked by the rubble. Apparently the rubble was disturbed while we were away. Although it wasn't disturbed enough to have a door in place to let us past, so we had to find another means to get around the rubble. The method of choice was to blast a hole into the rubble. I did not take part and let the others do the work, just because I didn't wish to jam my blaster, either of them.

Yes I now had two blasters, but this was only because I didn't want to be stuck in a situation where I had to end up throwing rocks. So it was worth buying an extra blaster pistol. It better pay off though, because that extra pistol cost me the last few Saltos. Thinking about it now, bricks and rocks and stuff are just lying around on the ground and free. hmm...

Fortunately enough a hole was blasted into the rubble big enough for us to pass through. One at a time though, but at least the process didn't bring down the whole of the sewers on us. Bravely Kadlo decided to lead the way through the rubble, because I wasn't to go through there first. Ben follows Kadlo with Roshan behind him. Not hearing any screams from the other side, and figuring out I was alone now, I followed last.

On the other side the sewer turned around a bend that we couldn't easily see around. Ben creates an illusionary rat, much like the one we fought in the sewers earlier, and sends it around the bend. Ben hoped that this would scare anyone that happened to be hiding around the bend. I tell you I almost stepped back at the sight of the big rat, it was that good. Of course the last one I saw nearly gnawed my legs off.

Ben followed the rat shortly after it went around the bend, with us shortly behind him. We came upon another bend in the sewers where Ben sends another illusionary rat around it. This time the Rat seemed to have done its job well. As we rounded the corner we came upon two thugs standing outside a huge door, staring at the door about where the Rat would have ran into...I mean through the door.

Quickly we engage them with our blasters at the ready. Roshan fires a shot off at a thug but misses. Ben on the other hand waves his hands at them and smiles, but it doesn't seem to cause any affect. Kadlo takes two shots with both his blaster but misses, as the two thugs hit Ben and Roshan with their shots.

Roshan fires back but being knocked off his balance misses. Ben puts his hands on the blaster wound and causes it to heal up. Kadlo on the hand hits with both his blasters one of the thugs, knocking him to the ground dead. The remaining thug tries to take a shot at Kadlo, but misses, and Roshan takes the opportunity to get a shot off. His shot connects causing the thug to crumple and fall into the murky sewer water face down dead.

Ben tries to take the socks off the thugs as bounty; we find a computer pad in the wall near the door. Ben not finding any socks of worth joins us in figuring out how to get on the other side of the door. The door appeared to be a blast door, so blasting it didn't seem like an option. Ben summons his ghostly friend and sends him to the other side of the door, but he doesn't return. It is just a bit unnerving to know that what ever is on the other side of that blast door is capable of stopping a ghost Jedi from getting back through. Probably something a little more blood letting that a big sewer rat I suspect.

After searching around we find a computer keypad in the wall next to the door. Ben steps up to the pad while explaining he can use it to get us past the door. As he starts to push buttons on the pad, a door comes crashing down behind us, blocking us in. As the sound of the door crashing down and the sloshing of the sewer water, the sound of gas seeping into the sewer could be heard. Surprisingly enough you could smell the gas, which is impressive considering the stench of the sewer, but the smell was enough to make us aware that this wasn't perfume to make the place smell better.

Ben continues to stare at the computer pad, and starts to mutter to himself, not enough for us to hear what exactly he is saying. Kadlo quickly steps up to see what he can do with the computer pad and stop the gas from making us "smell like flowers" or at least push them up. It turns out that a riddle came up on the screen, which Kadlo reads it to the rest of us. Roshan and I start shouting out various possible answers to the riddle, with Kadlo joining in as well.

Suddenly I shout out the answer, or at least I believe it was me, and since this is my log it was me. This stops the gas from seeping in and starts the door behind us to rise up, followed by the door in front us opening up as well. The room on the other side of the door was a fairly big diamond shaped one. Inside it stood two soldiers and the bad guy, Urlan, with a big grin on his face. Urlan's grin turns into a laugh. The laughter dies down a bit and through his laughter he tells us that it was about time we showed, and he has been waiting for us, for a while.

I think that may have been why the ladder collapsed on us earlier. I doubt any of us gained that much weight in the intervening time. In fact we probably should have been lighter due to all the injuries. Although a few of us did enjoy quiet a bit of the hospital food. Well the food wasn't that good but it was being paid for by someone else. Although right about this point I did gain some weight in the form of a slug that slammed into me while the two soldiers start firing their blasters at the party.

Kadlo runs into the room and fires his two blasters hitting a soldier, but only enough to make him flinch. Roshan takes two shots and misses, while Urlan nails him with a slug causing some serious damage. The second guard takes a shot at Kadlo, but doesn't connect with it. In the midst of the fight Ben meditates, while I slip along the why trying not to get shot myself, but instead I get a glancing shot off at one of the soldiers.

Kadlo and Roshan both miss in their shots as well as one of the soldiers. Urlan though fires a slug that dings Ben, but Ben waves his hands over the wound and it heals up. Thinking the hits on are on I fire my blaster and hit the other soldier with a nice shot causing him to worry. Not actually bleed, but worry about the possibility at least.

Kadlo finally gets a bead on one of the soldiers and hits him with one of his blasters. Unfortunately Roshan鈥檚 blaster pistol at this time runs out of charge leaving him scrambling for his second blaster. As Roshan is scrambling Urlan takes the chance and fires a slug into him causing Roshan to falter back. Following suit the first soldier hits Kadlo for a serious amount of damage.

At this point I know my luck with blasters has passed. Passed on to someone else that is. Kadlo's blaster both jam up, as he tries to fire at the first soldier. Roshan though manages to get his other blaster on target hitting the second soldier for a good wallop, blasting a hole through his clothing leaving a bleeding wound. For this the soldier returns the favor by firing his blaster and hitting me leaving a similar wound on me.

Meanwhile Ben charges up to Urlan who decides having a light-saber wielding Jedi that close isn't a good thing and tries to get away from Ben. I would too, not because Ben is really good with the Light-saber, but more or less because he isn't. Someone just thrashing their light-saber around can be just a deadly as one who knows how to use it. Somehow though I think Ben's charge has given Urlan the idea that he knows how to use it. As Urlan is getting away from Ben he fires off his slug-thrower and manages to hit Kadlo hard enough to knock Kadlo to his knees. Ben though manages to catch up to Urlan and charges him with his light saber out, and misses him. I hope that doesn't change Urlan's mind about Ben being dangerous.

Now I know my luck with blasters has come to pass. With the greatest of skill and marksmanship I get a blaster shot off at one of the soldiers. The shot screams across the room with amazing accuracy and slams into the soldier. The force and accuracy and hit at just the right angle to knock the soldier to the ground unconscious. I just want to point out, for clarity, that it was the soldier who fell into the water this time and not my blaster. The blaster which I had just deftly fired the shot that put the soldier into the water.

With two jammed blasters, Kadlo ducks around the corner of the entrance-way for cover while he attempts to un-jam his blasters. Roshan's with his one blaster fires a shot of at the remaining soldier, but only manages to hit the wall.

Urlan pulls out a blaster and aims it at Ben and fires. Surprisingly enough, Ben blocks the shot with his light-saber. Maybe Urlan does have a real reason to want to get away from him. Maybe Ben is turning out to be a decent Jedi. uh...well maybe is not a yes.

Suddenly Roshan gets hit with a blaster shot from the last soldier standing that causes Roshan to fall into the water. The splash hides the fact that a lot of Roshan blood was mixed in with it, from that shot. Ben seeing Roshan go down slides over to him and puts his hand on him. When Ben stops the water doesn't seem to be as bloody as it was when Roshan went down.

I guess the sudden splashing sound and my concern for Roshan, made my shot at the remaining soldier go astray. That splash was really loud, and the fact that our good companion Roshan was hurt definitely made a difference in my ability to shoot.

Unfortunately for me the last soldier wasn't bothered by the splashing because he fired a shot off at me that knocked me unconscious. Luckily enough Ben was nearby to do his Jedi heal trick enough to get me back on my knees at the very least. Not only did I get blasted to the ground, to add insult to injury, my stupid blaster jams. And better still, Ben gets nailed by a slug from Urlan's gun.

Ben though sort of shrugs it off, and runs up to Urlan and slices at him, leaving a nice scar across his chest. While I take aim and get a blaster shot in on the last soldier. This time my shot didn't knock him out but it hurt him a good deal. Kadlo suddenly comes stepping out from behind the corner with both blasters firing at the soldier. One of the shots hits the soldier causing a cloud of vaporized blood to appear.

Urlan forsakes his slug-thrower, dropping it, and unsheathes a vibroblade. With his vibroblade Urlan swings at Ben, but Ben dodges it with ease. Ben then slices into Urlan nearly taking off one of his arms.

Kadlo still firing both blasters peppers the last soldier killing him. Urlan with his blaster in his other hand tries to get a shot off at Ben, but misses. Taking advantage of the miss Ben moves it to get a strike on Urlan but fumbles his saber, and turns it off. Seeing as how Ben is having troubles I fire my blaster off and hit Urlan causing him another bleeding wound.

Having killed the other soldier Kadlo turns his blasters on Urlan, but doesn't manage to connect any of the shots. Urlan though is able to get his blaster shot to connect with me, causing me to hit the ground and fall unconscious, again.

From here on I can only tell you what Kadlo was nice enough to tell me about the incident.

Kadlo managed to dispatch Urlan with his blasters, and then proceeded to stabilize me so that I wouldn't bleed to death. While Kadlo was helping tend to mine and Roshan's injuries Ben proceed to ransack the bodies of the fallen soldiers and Urlan, and for some strange dark and twisted reason he slices the head of Urlan's body. Kadlo tries to talk some sense into Ben but, isn't able to so he just grabs my body and starts to head out of the sewers, leaving Ben to figure out what loot he exactly he wishes to take out of the sewers with him.

Finally Ben decides to catch up to Kadlo, carrying the head of Urlan and Roshan's body. With Ben's grappling hook, the two manage to get out of the sewers and carry me and Roshan to a hospital where we can get attention. From there they head over to the Senator's offices to notify them that we had stopped the killings. Ri-Salo-Do wasn't very pleased with Ben's "gift" of Urlan's head, just because it was gross, but none-the-less Ri- Salo-Do recognized the fact we had accomplished the job. In payment he offered to pay our medical bills. Yummy, more hospital food.

Saltrusha Log Entry #4

Since we couldn't spend all our time in the hospital with free room and good free food, we ended up back at Bixroba's Pub and stuff, trying to figure out what would be the next task at hand. Roshan was not much help in this discussion, since he seemed to have wandered off on his own once again. Something about a undercover mission or something, we all figured he meant literally under cover.

While the three of us sat around the table enjoying a standard Bixroba meal, amongst the crowd we noticed a person who didn't fit in with the rest of the crowd. Much like how we didn't fit in. It wasn't just the fact that he was a human amongst the crowd, but the fact that he seemed more interested in playing with the data pad on the table in front of him then looking around or eating or drinking.

When I walked over to check this out I must have interrupted him in the middle of something because when he looked up from the data pad he mumbled something about calling the wrong subroutine in the flimflam function or something. After that odd hello, I was able to make introductions. As it turns out Kraig was stranded on this planet by his crew on a New Republic ship, for which he was their technology officer that happened to get lost and ended up at Saltrusha. He didn't explain why he was left behind...I mean stranded by his crew though.

Seeing how he was short of money, I drop a hint that he should try selling his socks to Bixroba. I figured this would be good for a laugh, sort of hazing of the new guy. But it appears that Bixroba maybe a bit of a softy, for hard-luck cases like us, because he bought Kraig's socks. Figures a nice guy would ruin my fun.

After introducing Kraig to the rest of the group Kadlo decides we should pay another visit to the Senator to see what we can do to help her out this time. Once at the Senator's, Kadlo's guard friend gets Rin-Salo-Do for us, who escorts us in to meet with Ri-Lani-Ro.

Ri-Lani-Ro gives us the standard thank you for your help speech, with a heavy dash of the "this makes us believe the New Republic is a caring government." Despite all our help though, she still hasn't been made the Ra of the senate yet, and she has one more hurdle to get over before this happens. Naturally we have to take care of this hurdle for her.

It turns out two farming cities are about ready to go to war, as much as any farming cities can, over the fact that they are being robbed. Both cities are blaming each other for the robberies, and things are getting a little heated as the stuff being robbed is important farming supplies and grain. Since both of these cities are part of her clan she has jurisdiction over them, but she hasn't the time, with her rise in power taking up her time, to take care of it herself. Thus it falls to us to go figure out what is going on and try and settle the problem.

She then leaves us to take care of some duties, and we are left with Ri-Salo-Do. Kraig then proceeds to grill Ri-Salo-Do for any information about the robberies. This isn't too bad, because we manage to get a map of the area around the two cities, Ry-Ber and Ry- Tog. We also are given free use of a land speeder to go out to the cities.

With no reason in particular we take the land speeder and head to Ry-Ber first. As we head into the city we notice the it is indeed a farming city, since it is surrounded by large fields, with a few warehouse scattered amongst the, as well as several groups of Saltrushians tending to the fields. I sadly realize that if I hadn't brought any "City-goods" along with which to graciously bring to these farmers. There goes another chance for some profit. The only thing that appears to be of great value might be the data pad that Kraig has, but since he spent the whole trip with it stuck on his nose I doubt I could sneak it away to sell it.

Once in the city, which is basically a loose collection of houses and small buildings, we make our way to the biggest building, a whole three stories tall!! We, correctly, figure the biggest building has to be city hall. The Receptionist isn't very keen on us, but once Kadlo flashes the badge the senator gave us, she gets a hold of the mayor and shows us in to meet with him.

The mayor doesn't seem very keen on us either, but offers to help us out only so much as to get the information he needs to prove it was the other city. From the conversation all we get is that the best evidence that they have that it is the other town, is the fact that the thefts have taken place on the side of the city towards the other city. Most of the items stolen are farming tools and grain. The thefts have been going on for about 6 months, and so far the guards have only been knocked out or slightly wounded. The security cameras and other security items have been deactivated or scrambled, so were of no use. Finally any trails left by the thieves generally head towards Ry-Tog before disappearing.

I was kind enough to wave our fee for help, in exchange for free room and board in the city. Of course that was all we were going to get anyway since the mayor didn't plan on giving us a fee in the first place. The mayor was also kind enough to give us a map of the area and the places that were robbed.

Kadlo was anxious to leave, so we left as soon as we got the map, and headed towards Ry-Tog. This city doesn't give us much of a warm welcome. In fact the Receptionist tells us to go back to Ry-Ber where we came from, since we came from that direction. But with a flash of our badge, she begrudgingly lets us in to talk to the mayor. The mayor isn't much better than the receptionist, but is nice enough to give us a map of the places that were robbed. Basically the same things are happening to the warehouses around his city as around Ry-Ber.

Our conversation with the mayor was cut short; when Kraig lets it slip that we had already talked with the other town. No amount of talking convinces the mayor to let us help, and we are promptly kicked out of his office. We then venture back to Ry-Ber, where along the way Kraig makes a fancy map overlaying the areas that have been robbed between the two maps. From the two maps we find out that the mountains range that runs between the two cities have a number of caves in them.

Once we get back into Ry-Ber the mayor gives us a hard time for talking with the other city. Kadlo is able to talk the mayor down from kicking us out of his office this time. Then Kadlo convinces the mayor to spread the word that a new shipment of expensive equipment is coming in and being stored in a specific warehouse. He then gets the mayor to lend us the use of the warehouse for the operation.

We then head out to setup the warehouse. Kraig begins to put up security equipment to try and keep an eye on things electronically. Meanwhile I and Kadlo decide upon another means to get the drop on the thieves. We manage to convince Ben to hide in one of the boxes inside the warehouse. That way when the thieves get inside Ben can jump out and surprise them long enough for us to surround and capture them. The rest of the boxes we fill with lose junk to give them some weight.

Nothing happens the first night, so we let Ben out of his box, and wait until dawn before putting him back into it. The second night passes without anything, so we let Ben out of the box that day. This continues for another two days. On the way to put Ben into the box for the next night, Kadlo notices a farming crew that is very suspicious. Kadlo points the crew out to us as they walk around to the front of the warehouse. Quickly and quietly we park our speeder in some trees around back of the warehouse and approach the back of the warehouse.

At the back of the warehouse we decide to sneak in through the window at the top of the wall, and hopefully catch the suspicious people as they enter the warehouse. I hoist Ben up to the window and let him slip inside. With Ben inside I begin to hoist Kraig up to the window to let him sneak in, but suddenly a blaster shot is heard from the inside. Kraig quickly jumps off my shoulders and makes a dash for the speeder. I figured the techie would do this; they were not much help in a fight. Meanwhile Kadlo charges around the corner of the warehouse to try and get to the front, and I walk to the other corner of the warehouse to take a look around.

Before I can peer around my corner, I hear a thud from behind me and slowly turning around I see a blaster lying on the ground under the window, much to my relief, since I was expecting a thief getting the drop on me. I walk over to the blaster and pick up my new found loot, as I hear more blaster fire coming from inside the warehouse. While I'm picking up the blaster, I see Kriag on the speeder come roaring out of the trees, and then smashing it into the corner of the warehouse. Fortunately the warehouse didn't fall down, but even more so the speeder wasn't ours so I don't think we have to worry about the amount of damage to it. Typical techie plays all those driving simulations, but when it comes to real driving they were not as good as they thought.

From what Kadlo later told me, when Kraig managed to get around to the front of the warehouse, he almost ran Kadlo over. Kadlo took the opportunity to tackle the thief that he was currently fighting, at the door of the warehouse. He figured he had a better chance surviving a brawl with a thief than with Kraig's driving.

It was a good thing Kadlo did the tackle though, because according to him, Kraig managed to stop the speeder exactly in front of the door, just where he was standing. This gave Kraig the chance to blow away the thief Kadlo was trying to take out, but couldn't because his weapon jammed on the switch from kill to stun.

I waited at the window for more goods to be .... I mean I was covering a possible escape route for any thieves that wanted to sneak out the window. While I was waiting, I could hear more blaster fire from inside, as well as the sound of boxes breaking and junk falling all over.

It wasn't much longer before the fight was over, and we had two people in our custody. From the interrogation of the two it was decided to give one captive each to each of the two cities, so that we could prove it was someone other than each other stealing from each other. After a short negotiation, we manage to convince the mayors to give us three policemen from each city to help us in the tracking down of the thieves鈥 hideout. Also we manage to get 50% of the cut from the sale of the thieves鈥 speeder if we find it.

After almost five hours of searching on foot I find the speeder, but since Kadlo had the keys from the captives we had to wait for him to come meet us. It didn't take long since he took the speeder to go search for the thieves鈥 speeder. From the captives we also learned that their speeder was on autopilot all the time, in order to prevent them from knowing where the base was. This we use to our advantage though.

Kraig jumps into the thieves' speeder and taps into the autopilot, and says he can start and stop the autopilot. With that we decide to follow the speeder while it is on autopilot. Kraig and I jump into the thieves鈥' speeder, while Kadlo and Ben jump into the dented speeder. The policemen who helped us to find the speeder then decide that they have helped as best they can and must head back to the cities. So with just the four of us to find the thieves鈥 base, Kraig turns the key and starts the autopilot and we are on our way.

The speeder takes us through the fields, and after a short bit takes a wily set of turns through some forested region, we finally come up into the mountains. I must point out that Kadlo is a really good pilot, at this time. Not only because he was able to stick close to the thieves鈥 speeder this whole time, because its autopilot was set to avoid being tailed obviously, but because he was very skilled at dodging with the speeder too. Kadlo had to stick pretty close to the thieves' speeder so he wouldn't lose us, and Kraig had to take care of business, which he did over the side of the speeder. Kadlo was able to dodge this, and keep his speeder dry, and still not lose us as we headed into the mountains. Gee if the dent wasn't hard enough on the resale value, the stains would have made it even harder.

Suddenly we rounded a bend on a mountain pass and in the distance we spot a set of huge doors in the side of the mountain with two guards. Kraig quickly manages to stop the speeder's autopilot, and backs us up out of sight of the guards.

With the location of the base discovered, we place a call back to the mayors of the cities to help send us some back-up to assault the thieves鈥 base, but they tell us that they cannot spare any troops to help in an assault on such a base. Disappointed with that we make contact with Ri-Lani-Ro to try and send us some help. But that turns into a dead end. Apparently all their policemen are dealing with stuff they cannot be pulled from. Before they sign off though, they mention that if Roshan is well enough they will try and send him to meet us.

We decide to wait an hour or two to see if Roshan shows up or not. During which time, Kadlo scouts around the area, and finds a small door in the mountain side above the big doors. Considering that the big doors, are guarded by two guards, and probably have some big stuff behind them, and that Roshan may not be showing up we settle in to discuss the best way to get into the base, hopefully giving Roshan more time to meet up with us.

Saltrusha Log Entry #4.5 Roshan's version

I'm writing down this since Roshan can't seem to stop talking about it until I agree to write it down for him. If it weren't for the fact that Nar-Ny corroborates this I would have just believe Roshan was trying to cover for another date gone wrong. But apparently something else happened instead.

After we had gotten back from the sewers, we all were hanging out at Bixroba's resting up for the next adventure. Roshan on the other hand decided to step out to get some fresh air. When he got outside he was surprised to see a nice human woman there, apparently waiting for him. The lady came up to him and mentioned that she was waiting for a chance to get him alone so they could talk. Roshan then offered to buy the lady a drink inside, but she said she needed Roshan's help in saving her family who was being held by an evil man. Roshan offered to go back inside to get the rest of us so we could help her family out, but she insisted it could only be Roshan that could help her. So Roshan couldn't get the rest of us to help out, but instead had to follow her to save her family.

鈥 must interject a bit, in the fact that Nar-Ny wasn't around at this point to corroborate this part of Roshan's story. I have to believe this isn't quite how it happened because Roshan was acting almost like a gentleman. It probably happened along the lines that she flashed him her leg or something and he just fell in right behind her and she led him around.

Roshan followed her along the streets and a few back-alleys for a while, until he turned a corner into a dead-end. At the end of the dead-end was the girl being grabbed and man- handled by 5 big huge brutes. Roshan charged in to the group and fought off several of them, but then only 5 more bigger brutes showed up to join the fray. Roshan was able to take down almost all of the brutes until then 10 more brutes showed up and tackled him and knocked him out.

鈥 mean who could stand up against鈥5...10...20 big brutes, right?

When Roshan came about he found himself in a jail cell being attended to by an undercover agent, named Gar Ithil, but he didn't know he was an undercover agent. At this point he only knew Gar Ithil was tending to the severe wounds that were the result of being beaten up by 30 guys鈥oshan's math isn't hampered in the least by his ego鈥 With Gar Ithil's help and Roshan's strength of character Roshan was able to sit up and talk with Gar Ithil.

As it turns out the lady, who was also undercover, but that wasn't revealed at the time, was only trying to get Roshan as a recruit for an underground fight club run by a big time crime lord. Roshan was to be put up against various foes one after another, while the crime lord and his various associates put wagers down on his survival or not. Gar Ithil was the medic to the recruits for the fights.

Before Roshan could get any more information, the guards grabbed him and tossed him in to the arena where he was to fight. In the arena the crime lord spoke to him, making some remarks about how he wanted to see how a Mighty Solider of the New Republic would fare in his competition. Based on his fighting against the best brutes in the crime lord's group, in the dead-end alley, the crime lord had put a lot of money on him. At this point Nar-Ny was tossed into the ring as well. But before Roshan could render any help to Nar-Ny a thug was let into the ring and the fight had begun.

鈥t this point I'm able to have Nar-Ny corroborate Roshan's story鈥

Roshan not having any armor or weapons decides to run straight at the thug screaming really loudly. This causes the thug to stutter a bit in its charge at Roshan, but lacking a weapon of any sort, Roshan runs over to a pile of junk in the arena, and tries to quickly look for something to use against the thug. Nar-Ny meanwhile has already started searching the junk piles for something.

Finding nothing, Roshan grabs a hand full of junk and smashes it into the face of the Thug as the Thug swings at Roshan with a club and misses. Nar-Ny meanwhile finds a sharp pipe in the midst of one junk pile, while Roshan deftly grabs the Thug's club out of his hands. With pipe in hand Nar-Ny rushes over and tries to stomp on the toe of the Thug, but misses, and Roshan smacks the Thug with the club causing him to bleed.

The Thug now clubless and bleeding tries to punch Roshan but misses. Nar-Ny tries to swing the pipe at the Thug, but the remaining bits of grease cause the pipe fall out of his hands. Roshan, tries to hit the Thug, using both hands on his club but fails to connect and due to the blood on it from the earlier hit causes the club to slip out of his hands.

The Thug hearing the pipe and club hit the floor gropes around through his bloodied face and picks up the pipe. Nar-Ny seeing that Roshan has no weapon quickly runs over to a junk pile and finds a nice shard of metal and gives a thumbs-up sign to Roshan. Roshan quickly picks up the club he dropped and as he does so hits the Thug hard in the side causing some of the Thugs ribs to crack loudly.

The Thug now badly hurt makes a poor swing at Roshan, and misses. Nar-Ny on the other hand throws the metal shard at the Thug, hitting him square in the head knocking the Thug to the ground in a pool of blood unconscious. Roshan takes the opportunity to make sure the Thug isn't getting back up and slams the club down on the Thugs skull smashing it to bloody pieces.

After a quick time to recover Roshan and Nar-Ny are tossed back into the ring. This time another fellow is tossed in as well. While this person is another Saltrushian, this one has a broken arm. Before introductions could be made the door for the opponents opens and three Saltrushian Thugs charge out at Rosha, Nar-Ny and the other.

During this round, Roshan basically takes on the three Thugs by himself while the two Saltrushians spend the fight rummaging through the piles of junk scattered around the arena. Roshan eventually stabs one of the Thugs through with a pipe, through the neck with enough force to literally knock the Thugs block off. This devastating scene causes the other Thugs to take a step back, which gives Roshan the opportunity to take down another of the Thugs.

Roshan now only had one Thug left, but he was so badly beaten up and bloodied he wasn't sure if he was going to make it. But Nar-Ny stepped up and tried to help, by grabbing the severed head of the Thug, and tossing it at the remaining Thug, but misses.

The other Saltrushian had snuck up behind Roshan with a pipe and attempted to stab him in the back, with what was apparently not a broken arm. Roshan seeing this quickly turns and smacks the Saltrushian for some damage. But considering how badly hurt Roshan was he decided to try and get out of reach of the Thug and the Saltrushian and run.

At this point Gar Ithil manages to break his way into the arena to help out, seeing as how beaten up Roshan and is now running practically for his life. As Gar Ithil charges in to the arena heading straight at the Saltrushian, he pulls out a vibro-blade. With the vibro- blade Gar is able to nearly slice the Saltrushian's arm off. After a short skirmish, between Gar, Roshan and the Saltrushian, Gar manages to kill the Saltrushian.

With the Saltrushian out of the way Gar and Roshan are able to rush back and help Nar-Ny out with the Thug. Nar-Ny and the Thug have apparently just been punching it out between the two of them. Although Nar-Ny looks the better for it, Roshan is able to hurt the Thug for some serious damage, but it is Gar who finishes the Thug off.

Before the group can celebrate, they here a yell as the lady Roshan followed is thrown into the arena, from the Crime Lord's box seat. As he did so yelling out that he knew she was against him, and he has one more foe for all of them. With that the door opens and out steps a huge Gamorrean guard.

Nar-Ny quickly runs over to help the fallen lady, who gets up and pulls out a blaster pistol she was hiding amongst her clothes. Gar on the other hand runs over to a pile of junk and starts digging. Roshan on the other hand makes a blood curdling war cry in order to scare the Gamorrean. (Although Nar-Ny says he didn't really notice the blood curdling part, but he did hear Roshan scream).

The lady gets up and runs at the Gamorrean firing her blaster hitting the Gamorrean's helmet causing a noticeable blaster scorch mark across it. But being a Gamorrean, head shots really don't hurt them that much; this one just shrugs it off. In retaliation the Gamorrean swings his huge axe from his shoulder down at the lady, but suffering from a bit of shock, misses and hits the ground of the arena with the axe. The reverberations cause the Gamorrean drop the axe on the floor. Roshan quickly takes the opportunity to run up and grab the axe, dropping his pipe in the process since the axe requires him to pick it up with both hands.

Gar continues to dig under a pile of junk, while Nar-Ny has decided to run out of reach of the fray. The lady fires another shot at the Gamorrean, but misses the shot. The Gamorrean reaches out and tries to grab his axe back from Roshan, but Roshan hits the Gamorrean's armor, causing a sizeable dent.

Nar-Ny figures with Roshan's wielding on the axe, it might not be so dangerous to get into the fray and runs up to join in. Gar finally manages to pull something from under the pile. The lady fires another shot, hitting the Gamorrean in the arm causing some scaring. This causes the Gamorrean to drop the pipe he was picking up from the ground. As the Gamorrean drops the pipe, Roshan swings the axe into the Gamorrean's armor again.

Nar-Ny quickly runs over to Gar and offers to help with what it is that Gar has found, but Gar decides not to accept. Instead Gar sets the thermal detonator he just found to 3 seconds. Then as the Gamorrean finishes back-handing the lady, throws it at the Gamorrean yelling catch. The Gamorrena quickly turns around and catches the thermal detonator.

Noticing the thermal detonator everyone makes a mad dash past the Gamorrean, into the hallway from which it came. The whole party makes it in to the hallway and around the bend just as a loud explosion goes off. The Gamorrean was obviously blown up by the blast because some of its guts are splatter against the wall of the hallway.

The lady quickly introduces herself as Haraga, and tells Roshan and Nar-Ny that her and Gar are members of the Khadur organization, and they were trying to stop the Crime Lord's dealings. As she explains this to them they all round a bend and come out through a secret door into the same dead-end alley that Roshan was beaten up in.

At the end of the alleyway two guards start firing back at the group. The two guards are quickly dispatched, but the as the group runs out of the alleyway to pursue the Crime Lord, they are stopped by police officers who tell them to halt. Over the heads of the Police Roshan can see the Crime Lord quickly rush down a side street. Before Roshan can say anything to the others, he gets knocked out by Haraga. Nar-Ny is also knocked out as well.

Roshan awakens later in the hospital where Rin-Salo-Do is waiting to talk to him. Rin- Salo-Do explains that his police were able to go through and capture some of the gamblers, who after some questioning explained what had happened. Also all of Roshan's stuff was recovered as well. The axe and such were confiscated for evidence. Nar-Ny while he helped to some degree is being held in regards to other offenses. As for Gar Ithil and Haraga, there was no sign of them, although the gamblers said they were there. Also he has no knowledge of the Khandur.

When Roshan mentions the Crime Lord slipping away down a street, Rin-Salo-Do shakes his head. He mentions that it is disturbing that the Crime Lord was able to "sneak" past the police as easily as he had. The Ra actually has a concern about that as well, and would like him to return to his party to help out in discovering any information about who might be being paid off to let the Crime Lord go.

鈥ell that's Roshan's story, and some of it was corroborated by Nar-Ny so I guess there is some truth to it鈥

Saltrusha Log Entry #5

While waiting for Roshan to show up we figured out our plan of attack on the base. Kraig figures that he can fool the sensor in the base to try and cause them all to evacuate the base leaving it free for us to take. Typical techie, plan if I get at the computers I can do it all. The only problem is getting to the computers, but they tend only to concentrate on what happens once they get to the computers. So it falls to Kadlo, Ben and me to come up with a way of getting into the base.

Ben tries to convince us he can make a big illusion to scare the guards away from the door, or even scare the people inside the base to surrender. He figures he can conjure up a huge army of illusionary soldiers to march up to the door and tell them all to surrender. This gets quickly vetoed, as we don't think Ben can handle such a big and complex illusion.

Then I strike on a good idea. We take the thieves鈥 speeder and crash it into the main doors, hopefully causing it to go up in a big bang. While the crashing speeder distracts everyone inside, we sneak into the small entrance at the top of the door. I mean I can always make up for the loss of the speeder by finding some goods inside the base.

With that as our plan, Kraig manages to reprogram the speeder to ram itself into the big doors. After that we start our way up to the small entrance and send the speeder on its way. Almost to the small entrance we hear the speeder crash into the doors, and the sudden shouts of the guards. The guards are joined by more shouting as we finally make it up the path to the small entrance.

Once at the small entrance way, Kraig manages to hack the keypad, which causes the door to open. On the other side we see the red lights and the sounds of alarms going off. Apparently the distraction worked really well, since the hallway on the other side of the door appears deserted. As we proceed into the hallway towards one of the doors, two people come running out from one of the doors into the hallway. The distraction worked really well since the two of them didn't notice us as the came out, and headed down the hallway away from us in a hurry.

After a short pause to see if anyone else was coming out of any doors, Kadlo starts to walk into the hallway. Unfortunately Kraig jumps ahead of Kadlo and opens the door the two people came running out of. Kraig suddenly stops before charging into the room, and we hear someone ask him if he was the one who set off the alarm. Kraig instead of answering tries to pull his blaster, but before he gets his hand even on the handle, he gets blasted and sent sprawling across the hall-way where he ends up slumped against the wall. Apparently Techies aren't that good at quick draw either, who would have guessed.

Ben quickly pulls out his light-saber and standing over Kraig's body, takes a swing at the guy in the doorway, but doesn't connect. Kraig dazed sits up and grabs his blaster and fires off a shot. With Ben standing over him Kraig firing a blaster off wasn't such a good move. The blast hits Ben in the back, fortunately for Ben Kraig was dazed enough that he couldn't get a good enough shot off on his back to hurt Ben to much.

Note: Do not let Techie drive too fast, do not bet on techie in quick-draw fights, and do not put back to techie with a blaster.

Kadlo quickly dives up against the wall next to the door as a defensive move, while I quickly turn around to cover the door that we passed on the way in.

The guy in the doorway tries to hit Ben with his blaster, but fails to connect. Taking the opportunity Ben puts his shoulder down and tries to tackle the guy. Apparently the guy was much bigger and stronger then Ben, because when I took a look back all I could see was Ben's hunched behind sticking out the door, not moving. The still dazed Kraig then tries to get up quickly from his position to tackle the as well. Failing to get up of the floor with any great speed and strength only causes Kraig to end up...well...hmm....uh...in an awkward looking manner behind Ben.

Just when I thought the scene couldn't get anymore...uh...well...hmm...uh...well awkward, Kadlo gets out of his position and stands behind Kraig holding both his guns at arms length over Kraig's shoulders. If only I had a video-cap to catch this sight for all posterity. Ben's backside sticking out of the door way, Kraig bunched up behind that, with Kadlo standing close behind Kraig with his arms outstretched over his shoulders. You don't see the blasters Kadlo is holding because they are in the doorway.

I don't get much time to laugh at this scene, because the door I'm guarding suddenly opens up, and being distracted, and who could blame me, a person walks out and hits me square on with two blaster shots.

According to Kadlo, who later relates to me the scene, but doesn't mention the awkward positions of everyone, the guy in the first door ducked out of the way of his blasters, but it didn't matter because Ben manages to get his square on in the lower gut with his light- saber. Apparently even Ben couldn't miss with his light-saber in the position he was in. Kadlo literal only says position, but doesn't mention what the position is. But as the guy slumps to the ground dead, the group stumbles into the room, where Kraig ducks behind a console, and blasts a techie as he does so.

Kadlo though is nice enough to turn around and fire some shots off at the guy who just blasted me, but not having a good aim misses. The guy doesn't take to much notice of Kadlo's two missed shots, and continues to hit me with his blasters, causing me to fall on to the floor unconscious.

I'm awakened out of shock by Ben, who had run into the hallway to help me out, while Kadlo is standing between me and the guy who shot me. Kadlo manages to get a square hit on the guy, causing him severe damage to one of his arms. The guy tries to fire back at Kadlo and only hits with one of his blasters, while dropping the one he was holding in his arm that just got blasted.

With a bit of effort I'm able to raise my blaster and squeeze off a shot at the guy, and its enough to knock him against the door frame, and slide to the floor dead.

As Kadlo begins to check the guy鈥檚 body for anything, I get up and join Kraig in the room, where he managed to take out another techie. Kraig is engrossed in playing with the computers, and manages to get some information out of it. Or at least that is what it seems, by the oohs and ahhs he is making as he types.

Kadlo and Ben join us in the room, and Kraig tells us that we have two possible ways to go about taking care of the thieves. Option one is to blow the whole place up, by overriding the power reactors. This one is quickly decided to be the wrong option for us. The second option requires us to go clean out the place all by ourselves. He then starts flipping through the various security cameras in the base, showing us where the various thieves and such can be found in the rooms. Not seeing too many people in the rooms, we figure we can take on all the thieves remaining in the base, so Kraig tries to seal all the doors he possibly can to prevent anyone from catching us off guard again. The only problem is that he can't seal the door to the barracks, so we decide we should get their first and take out anyone before they manage to wander around behind us.

With the plan in place we all file out of the room and begin to make our way down the hallway. But before we do we stop in the other room, where Kadlo shows us what he found there. It is apparently a room for coordinating raids all over the planet. There is a nice holographic map of the planet with markings on it, in the center of the room and several consoles all around it. Kraig manages to download the map and some other information into his data pad. One of the interesting tid-bits he finds is that the group has some off-world ties, but what he cannot determine.

Ben takes the lead followed by Kadlo and Kraig with me bringing up the rear. As we are walking down the hall, Kraig starts a little dance, but is stopped quickly by Kadlo who turns around and claps him on the side. Ben quickly turns around to see what he missed, but only sees Kadlo's not so pleasant face, and Kraig rubbing the side of his head. Add Techies cannot dance to the list.

Around the turn in the hall we come across some stairs heading down into the lower levels of the base, and with Ben leading us, we proceed down them. Before we can all make it to the bottom I hear a blaster shot go off, but only manage to see it miss Ben and hit the side of the stairway. Kadlo reacts to the shot by firing both his blasters in return, but being at the top of the stairs I cannot see much of what is going on. This isn't a bad thing, because it also means I'm not in the line of fire as well.

Suddenly Ben charges from the bottom of the steps with his light-saber at the ready. Kadlo also makes a dash from the bottom of the stairs, while Kraig moves down the steps and fires a shot off. I don't know if it hit anyone, but all I know is he is in front of me, and he can't hit me in the back from there.

With Kraig moving to the bottom of the steps I'm able to move down as well, and take a quick shot at one of the thugs in the hallway. It鈥檚 at this point I should mention that none of us realized that all the security cameras we looked all showed the inside of rooms. Not one of them showed us the hallways. If it did we might have thought about the first option a bit more. Apparently the thieves were too busy running around the halls checking the place out, instead of just sitting in their rooms, because there were a lot of them in the hall in front of us.

Kadlo from behind the body of a fallen thug, manages to hit one of the others causing a huge wound, but not enough to knock him out of combat. Kraig manages to fire a shot that kills one of the thugs. Kadlo meanwhile jams the heavy blaster he got off the guy upstairs, and to make matters worse drops it too. But Kraig manages to hit one of the other thugs with his blaster.

While Kadlo and Kraig were shooting it out, Ben ran up to the thieves and started swing his light-saber at them. In fact it appears that he even went right after one of the officers, based on the thief鈥檚 outfit. But the outfit was only impressive for so long, because Ben was able to tear a gash into not only the uniform but his body as well.

I was too busy being impressed by Ben's ability that I practically walked into a stray shot. The shot though brought my attention back to the battle at hand. With a clear mind I was able to blast the guy whose stray shot I had walked into. My shot was good enough to cause him to slump to the ground, in pain.

Meanwhile the higher-up Ben was engaged with was able to fire a shot off and hit Ben, but it doesn't hurt Ben that much. On the other hand Kadlo manages to get a shot off that blasts a hole clear through one of the thugs. Kraig also manages to hit a thug, but not for much damage. Ben having been knocked back a bit by getting hit, turns on the thug that Kraig hit, and swings his light-saber felling the thug. I then manage a hit on the same guy as before, but it doesn't do much to the guy.

Ben already knocked back suddenly gets a blaster shot right in the chest, that knocks him to the floor, and holding his chest where a bloody wound has appeared. Kadlo gets off a shot that kills one of the better dressed thugs, while Kraig manages to get a shot off at the higher-up thug doing some damage to him. Meanwhile I do my best to leap over the bodies and around the blaster fire to try and help Ben. By the time I get there Ben though is about ready to pass out, so I quickly tried to stop any more blood loss, and prevent him from going into shock.

Kadlo steps in front of me and Ben and fires his blasters at a thief killing him. While Kraig gets a hit in on one of the remaining thieves, and shouts for them to surrender. This only succeeds in causing one of the thugs to drop his weapon, and run back into the barracks.

While I continue to try and tend to Ben's injuries, the higher-up thug blasts Kadlo for some damage, while Kadlo fires his blasters at one of the thugs doing a fair amount of damage. Kraig once again hits a thug with a blaster shot and yells for him to surrender, but to no avail.

At this point Kadlo follows Kraig's notion of firing at the thugs and yelling for them to surrender. This doesn't seem to do much at first, but then the two reaming opponents suddenly duck into the barracks. This was a good thing because my blaster just ran out of energy, and Kadlo had dropped one of his blasters.

But before Kadlo and Kraig can chase after the thugs, the higher-up thug pokes out around the doorway and gets a shot off that hits Kadlo. Kadlo dives and picks up another body for cover, while Kraig manages to hit the thug, and yelling for him to surrender, which doesn't work.

Ben tries his best to pick up a thug's body to hide behind, but considering his wounds, doesn't succeed well and only causes himself to be knocked out when the body falls back on him. Seeing as how Ben is now stuck under a body, and passed out I decide I should take care of the problem at hand. I sneak up against the wall and begin to fire at the thug along with Kadlo and Kraig.

The fire fight lasts only a bit longer, but it does end in a manner we weren't expecting. The guy shot himself in the head. This is a shame, because if I hadn鈥檛 dropped my blaster at that moment I would have done it for him. Oh well, I guess it saves me some energy on my blaster.

With the fight over, Kraig ties up the remaining thugs, and begins to question them. Kadlo searches the body of the higher-up thug, who turns out to be the captain of the group. Figuring these are greedy thieves I check the pockets of the dead, and find some money.

From the interrogation, we learn that these people had been doing raids on the planet Likandry before they came to Saltrushia. But we don't get much more from them. Not having much to do with them now, we left them tied to their chairs in the barracks. Seeing as Ben's has stopped bleeding seriously we figure its best to leave him there until we search the base out. In one room we find a letter mentioning a meeting at the Lo-Di system in two months time, but that is it for the rooms in this area. We then head back to the hangar doors. With the floor of the hallway behind us still strewn with bodies, it doesn鈥檛 take much to convince the guards on the other side to surrender. Inside the hangar we find two Y-wings and three speeders. In one of the speeders I find a med-pack with which I go back and bring Ben out of his slumber. Kadlo and Kraig take the opportunity to go wander around the basement of the base, while I get Ben back on his feet. Once Ben is back on his feet he begins to search the bodies for any loot, and I go back and try and figure out which of the speeders I should take for myself. Ben wanting a souvenir decides to take the hat of the Captain-thief for himself and determines to wear it all the time.

Once Kadlo and Kraig return from the basement, we decide we should head back to the cities to let them know what was going on. While Kraig, Ben and I each take a speeder, Kadlo decides to take a Y-Wing back, as his personal trophy. When we do get back into the cities though, our speeders are confiscated. At least Ben and mine are confiscated, Kraig managed to change some records changed that made it appear his speeder was legit.

Despite having lost our speeders, we tell the mayors of each town what had happened. We then head back to the capital piled into Kraig's new speeder. When we get back to the capital, Ri-Salo-Do tells us that Kadlo was arrested for unauthorized flying of a fighter into capital airspace. Because of the paper-work involved it will be some time before Kadlo gets out of jail for that. It turns out to be a good thing, because that gives us time to rest up at the hospital and enjoy more of their good food.

Saltrusha Log Entry #6

After a short stay in the hospital resting, we are invited to meet with Ri-Lani-Ro. So we make our way over to her offices, with out Kadlo, because he is still being detained. On the way there though, Kraig decides he cannot stand Ben in his new hat that he tries to steal it off Ben's head. Ben though manages to, for better or worse, stop Kraig from stealing his hat.

After the hat fiasco, we finally made it to the Senator's offices, and we led in to meet with her. While we waited for her to arrive, Kadlo was walked into the office wearing handcuffs. Apparently the paperwork hadn't been cleared up yet for his release. But when the Ri-Lani-Ro walks in the guards take Kadlo's handcuffs off, when she motions to them.

Ri-Lani-Ro begins by thanking us for our help in taking care of the raiders, as she calls them, in the outlying cities. With the raiders dealt with, she has been able to use that to give the boost she needed to finally ascend to the position of Ra of the Senate. Her first act as Ra was to put in front of the Senate a bill which would have Saltrushia become a member of the New Republic. But the other Senators will only vote on the bill if other systems in the Cron Drift join the New Republic as well. Apparently they don't want to stick their necks out too far on their own.

With that the Ra says that the other systems in the area could be persuaded to join the New Republic as easily as Saltrusha was. Especially since we have dealt with the raiders on this system, if we do the same for them, they probably would be willing to join the New Republic too. The best place to start would be the Likandry system, since they are being victimized by raiders as well.

Before she lets us leave though she would like one more bit of help. Apparently there are some Senators being bribed by local merchants and gamblers. The funny part was that she said this like we were supposed to be surprised by this. If we were to help in stopping the bribery, the bill might stand a better chance of getting passed. It seems that the Senators that are being bribed are the ones who are most vocal against the bill. So if we were to stop the bribes, they might not be as vocal against the bill.

As a reward for helping her out with these Senators, not only will it help pass the bill, but she might see her way to letting us keep the confiscated Y-Wing that Kadlo took, for a discounted price. Kadlo accepts the offer, which in doing so causes us to agree to help her with the bribery problem. I didn't point out to Kadlo that it could be perceived as her bribing him to do the job for her. Although that didn't stop me from asking her to let us keep a finder's fee of any of the money we find.

With the monetary parts of the job taken care of we decide to check out the two gambling establishments in the area. Ty-Osay and Ty-Onay, are the only two real establishments in the capital, and they both have an intense rivalry between them. It is understandable, considering the fact both are out to make money, if some one else is cutting into your market you'd be a little miffed too. Even more so when it is a lot of money in the market to be taken from the victims, I mean customers.

Kadlo and Kraig decide to go check out Ty-Osay, while I got stuck with Ben and heading over to Ty-Onay. Our trip to Ty-Onay was an event of mixed emotions. We first walked into the casino, and it was a nice and splendid place. The two of us saddled up to a gambling table, and I was about to place a wager at the table, when our old friend Roshan came up to us. He told us he had an interesting adventure that he had to tell us about, and he was on his way to Bixroba's when he saw us come into the Casino. So that was the good thing.

The bad part came when Ben in the excitement of seeing his old friend decided to "talk" about the adventure that Roshan had missed. It sort of went in typical Ben style like this;

Roshan, claps us on the back, "Hey guys long time no see! Have I got a story to tell you guys about."

Ben, "Roshan! Hey it is great to see you too. I've picked up something from the adventure you missed with us." Ben proceeds to pull out the heavy blaster he picked. "Check this heavy blaster out I picked up for you during our last adventure, isn't it awesome."

"Ahem, excuse me sirs," says the gruff voice of the security guard as he grabs Ben's hand that is waving the blaster around, "if you will please leave the premises." The please wasn't merely a formality since all three of us were promptly thrown out of the Casino. If it were not for the fact that Ben can be handy with his light-saber occasionally I'd almost say we should tie his hands together when we enter places that require some tact, poise or even maybe some common sense regarding weapons.

In either case we could only head back to Bixroba's and wait for Kadlo and Kraig to join us. When we did all get together, it turns out that Kraig somehow managed to get into a high-stakes Sabacca game with the boss of the Ty-Osay Casino. The draw back is that the initial entrance "ante", a.k.a. fee, was 2,500 saltos.

Not having that kind of cash, Kadlo tries to ask the senator for the cash, but doesn't get much. Failing that Kadlo tries to get some cash from doing three-card monty in the streets but doesn't manage much. In the mean time Kriag tinkers with his data-pad and comes up with a somewhat simple hack to help with his card game a bit. In the end Kraig and Kadlo can only manage to get 1,660 saltos together. I only gave have my money to them, because I try my best to not let anyone gamble with my money except me.

While Kraig takes Kadlo and Roshan to the game, I hang back and go to a Casino on my own, and manage to make-up a good deal of money on my own, and end up with about 1,750 saltos. Ben is left back at Bixroba's to think about how to act in such situations, where guns are a touchy subject.

After a while we all end up back at Bixroba's at about the same time. Kraig is nice enough to give me back my initial 150 saltos, and brags about how much he made. Kadlo takes some of the winnings and gives about 2,000 saltos to the Senator to pay back the small loan they gave us, and both Kadlo and Roshan take about 4,000 saltos each from the pot. Ben didn't get any because Kraig believes Jedi don't need money, which Ben seemed a little upset at hearing.

With some money in hand the group decides to spend the next night hanging out at Bixroba's bar. Ben and Roshan start the evening off by arguing over how things went down, in the sewers a few days back. Kraig steps out the door, and comes back in shortly there after while Ben and Roshan are still arguing, Kaldo just sits back and drinks. A little later in the evening, a lady walks in and sits down and chats with Kraig.

Having grown tired of the sewer argument, Roshan gets up and starts tap dancing, or does as best he can. Ben laughs at the dancing, as we all did, but Ben was a bit louder about it. Roshan turns on Ben and challenges him to a blaster duel. Ben smartly declines, but when Roshan insults Ben's pirate hat, Ben stands up and accepts the challenge.

The two of them turn around and put their backs together to begin pacing off, but being as drunk as they are it looks more like they are leaning against each other to stop from falling. Every time one of them would try for a step, the other would fall back on him and thus they ended up doing a strange drunken dance back to back for a few minutes. Finally when they were able to walk away from each they got to about ten paces, they both quickly turned on each other, and the duel was over. The turn was too much for either's sense of balance. Roshan actually made more of a half-circle instead of turn, and when he finished his half-circle he ended up with his face plastered into a column. As Roshan slowly slide down the column, with the help of snot greasing his slide, Ben swirled around not once but twice. Ben was on his way to making a third complete turn before he fired. Well I guess fired isn't the right term, more like vomited, but it was akin to projectile vomiting. I guess the Jedi, with the force have a bit more power than most, but the way Ben heaved up there was definitely some force behind it. Fortunately, no one was in the target range and things just hit a glass window.

I guess such vomiting takes a lot of energy out of Jedi, because Ben promptly passed out after that. So while Kraig finished his conversation with the lady I was picking Ben and Roshan up and taking them upstairs to their rooms to sleep the night off. Kadlo was kind enough to sit back and laugh and then talk with Kraig about his conversation with the lady.

The next morning, we all gather downstairs at the bar for breakfast, well maybe brunch by the time some of the group arrived. It turns out that Kraig had bought a map from the lady he chatted with the night before. In fact Kraig had spent a good deal of the night working on making the map 3-D, with nice little colorful symbols for the guards and security systems, of the Ty-Osay Casino. It just makes you wonder if the techie would have been able to put that much effort out during the night, if he didn't pay for the map from the lady in saltos, but other things. Then again, pushing buttons on a data-pad is totally different than pushing buttons on a female, but I don't think the techie understands that.

Apparently inside the Casino is a vault where they keep sensitive information on storage discs. Since the bribes they are giving to senators and other government officials would be considered sensitive information, it stood to reason that we should get into the vault. Once in the vault we retrieve the information and get it back to Ra-Lani-Ro, and will be done with our chore this time around.

Roshan strikes upon the great idea of getting a job at the Casino as a guard in order for us to have someone on the inside. After a few bumbling starts, Roshan manages to get a job and is paid well at 90 saltos a day for it too. Kraig once again begins to tap away at his data-pad again, and tries to come up with a hack for the security systems at the Casino. Kadlo wanders off muttering something about getting sleeping gas for the mission. While Ben and I just take the time to catch up on sleep and generally be lazy.

After a few days, Kraig manages to finish his little hack program, and gives it to Roshan, she it can be put into the Casino's systems. With Roshan on duty, the rest of us head to the Casino that night. Surprisingly enough, without Roshan's help Ben manages to sneak in his light-saber, Kadlo sneaks in the two canisters of gas, and I manage to sneak in my blaster.

Once inside, Kraig activates his little hack program which causes the security cameras to blink on and off. As the cameras go in out of action, Kraig and Roshan start up a noticeable conversation about how things are going. Meanwhile Kadlo gets Ben to wander over to one of the gambling tables across the room from the back hallway, and tells him to start a diversion. During which time I quietly make my way to the back hallway.

Once Ben is at the table, and Kadlo has made his way quietly over to the hallway entrance, Ben begins his distraction. Suddenly Ben points to the players at the table and shouts that he saw him cheat. As the player tries to make his case, Ben just gets louder about the fact he saw him cheating and starts yelling for security to show up. At this point Roshan quickly runs over to see what is going on. As Roshan tries to quiet both Ben and the player down, Roshan takes a swing at Ben and misses. Ben suddenly turns and takes a swing at the player. This causes a brawl to break out in the Casino.

With the distraction of the brawl, Kraig and Kadlo decide to charge down the back hallway. Not waiting to check for guards they actually get stopped by one, as I come up from behind the two of them. Kraig tries to stun the guard with his blaster and fails, and Kadlo being nervous or something fails to hit the guard either. The brief exchange of gun fire was ended when I blasted a hole in the guard.

I guess since the noise of the blaster fire probably set off some of the still working security systems, Kadlo and Kraig run to the elevator, to try and get down to the vault. I manage to get there just as Kraig gets the elevator to work. As I suspected we make at the bottom of the elevator we are greeted by two guards, both of which I had to dispatch.

Kraig then rushes into the office area, and comes across two guards and the Casino boss. One guard is quickly blasted by Kriag, Kadlo manages to hit the Casino boss quickly and hard enough for the boss to become stunned. The other guard meanwhile drops his gun and gives up.

With the office secure Kraig manages to hack into the system and get the vault open. I follow Kraig into the vault while Kadlo ties up the Casino boss and other guard. In the vault we find a huge stack of credits and other valuables. While I begin to start taking some of the valuables, Kraig starts looking through the old paper documents looking for information. Kadlo joins in and helps Kraig search through the paper documents looking for information as well.

Having found the information they needed, the two grab some of the valuables and head out of the casino. I quickly follow after stashing some more in my pockets. On the way out of the Casino we pick up Roshan and Ben who are scrounging through the remains of the brawl for anything they can find to keep as loot.

We all manage to make it back to Bixroba's where we are met by Rin-Salo-Do who wants to know what went on at the Casino. Kraig tries to pin the whole incident on Ben for starting a brawl. Saying if it weren't for Ben's brawl we would have had a peaceful solution that didn't require blasting anyone. Not really buying Rin-Salo-Do decides that a fine should be paid for the damages and generally disruption of the peace. Kadlo and Kraig each 15,000 saltos to Senate, leaving them with only about 5,000 saltos left of their haul. It would have been less, but Roshan had to mention I had given him 10,000 saltos once we got back, so Rin-Salo-Do was tipped off we had a lot of money. Luckily for me, even minus the 10,000 saltos and the 500 saltos I gave to Ben, who didn't blab, I still had a sizeable amount of money left.

With that having been taken care of, Kadlo uses the rest of his money to buy the Y-Wing from the Senator, not having enough I give him the remaining 6,500 saltos he needs to buy it. Kraig spends several weeks trying to build up his land-speeder, with new weapons sinking all his money into that, and with Roshan's help does an interesting job of it. During the month Roshan and Kraig work on the land-speeder, Ben is able to finally put his new light-saber together. Kaldo uses the time to train in his Y-Wing to become familiar with it, more to change to displays and button labels from Saltrushian to more common tongue he can read.

Me I take my time to find some good commodities to fill up our hold with. Finally I settle on Saltrushian Ale, and buy 500 Saltos worth and have it stored in our hold. The rest of my Saltos I leave with Bixroba, for safe keeping for when I need it. I figure it is best to leave the 3,000 saltos on the only planet where I can spend it. No use dragging it all along to another system where it can't be converted, this way I can use it for what I need on Saltrushia.

Ben took to the idea of buying some stuff to sell elsewhere. I believe at this point Ben had spent most of his thinking on putting together his light-saber, because Kadlo convinced him that Super-Bounce Balls were the thing to buy and sell. So Ben spent all his money on 5,900 Super-Bounce balls. Figuring that this would be a good time to make a bit more money, I tried to get Ben to pay a shipping fee on the space he was taking up with the ridiculous purchase. In the around about argument I think he used some Jedi mind trick, but I managed to owe him 50 credits a day for storing my Saltrushian Ale. Don't worry I think I can take care of that charge easily enough.

After spending a month's worth of time on things Kraig loaded up his land speeder, just barely on to our freighter. If it were any bigger we wouldn't have had room to store anything else, much less my cargo and Ben's. To make room, Kraig stuffed some of the Super-Bounce Balls into the Chaff tubes on the Freighter. Even at this point the land speeder was a really tight fit in the hold.

With everything on board we decided to begin heading out to the Likandry system, but before we did Roshan brought along a mousey Saltrushian named Nar-Ny who was with Roshan during his "undercover" mission, and was able to corroborate the story. Since Nar-Ny helped Roshan out we figured it couldn't hurt to have another member of the party so we let him tag along for the ride.

Saltrusha Supplmental Log Entry by Kraig

So, I got stuck here on this backwater world after the Relentless left. No big deal. I'd found some new pals, garnered myself a speeder and might actually make it back to the Core Worlds sometime soon. Not too shabby.

However, in the meantime, Kadlo and I decided to scope out one of the casinos to see if Ri-Lani-Ro's suspicions were correct about the various casino owners. Hell, there may have even been some cash in it for me鈥攎y hard-drive seriously needed a new upgrade.

At any rate, I started on one of the sabbacc tables in one of the casinos under suspicion. After some wary rounds, I got lucky and ended up winning a nice pot鈥攁lmost tripled my cash on a single flip of the cards. It's really a simple game of bluffing, only made somewhat complex by a timed randomizer system acting as a luck-switch.

Luckily for me, one of the regulars took a shine to me. After some sly talking from myself and Kadlo, I garnered an invite to the casino owner's 'back-room' games, where the stakes were substantially higher. The ante? 2k. Needless to say, neither of us had that kind of cash on us, so we decided to pay our friends a visit.

I didn't bother asking the Jedi for money. If he's anything like that Yoga fellow I read about in those Imperial files, he shouldn't need much in the way of credits. Charda, however, was a different story. He was a natural con-man鈥攁 good guy, but a fondness for hard coin. Unfortunately, the cheap piker only lent us 150 Saltos. Between Kadlo and I, that was still a far cry away from the 2000 ante we needed, much less the cash we needed to gamble with. Not having any other options, we took a trip to see Ri-Lani-Ro for a loan.

Luckily, the new Ra wanted to see these guys taken down pretty badly and fronted us a tidy sum. It put us over the ante fee, but didn't leave us much room to work with in terms of gambling. One lost hand and we'd be finished. We needed something to tip the scales, and I had just the plan.

After looking at those sabbacc tables in the casino proper, I started working on a project to give me the edge. Essentially, I started modifying a wireless transmitter so that it would be tuned to the frequency of the randomizing tablulature governing the shifter console. As long as I was careful in activating it, I could trigger a shift anytime I got a significantly bad hand, giving me another chance to pull my luck together. I could only hope that it worked. While my testing was thorough, I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

The next day came our shot. Taking Roshen and Kadlo with me to act as 'bodyguards', I kept up my appearances as a Corellian software designer who had some money to blow and a program he wanted to see on all the government computers on Saltrusha. After getting through security, we were escorted to an elevator, which led us down into the sub-basements beneath the casino.

I've been around some pretty swanky places in my day, but that place was positively off-the-wall: chandeliers everywhere, red carpet from wall to wall, and more honeys than I could count. I tell you, if I wasn't so busy trying to take down their boss, I'd have quite the time 'uploading some data' with them. Particularly that cute redhead鈥

Anyway, the security guards escorted us to a nicely furnished sabbacc table in one of the rooms of this underground palace. Several other Saltrushans were already there, and after some late arrivals the game was about to start.

My luck, in the beginning of the first round, was not what I needed it to be. In the game that would, almost definitely, define the rest of our conduct with the casino owner, I was blowing it. I didn't want to risk using my transmitter at the beginning, but as time went on, I was dealt such a crappy hand that I didn't have a choice. The game was on the line, and I needed a win.

Deftly, I slipped my hand in my pocket and forced a shift. After that, my luck began to change. I started gathering some useful cards and only needed to shift again once. At long-last, the high tension game came to the last deal. I needed a good hand, or our cash was gone.

Then, victory! A sweet, sweet pot was all mine鈥攐ver 10k in all. Absolutely fantastic! We now had the cash we needed to continue gambling, as well as the opportunity to milk some of these cash cows for information鈥.and some more cash, if the opportunity arises.

During the break and the second game, I managed to chat up some of the players and got some informal confessions as to how things were done around here. Yes, there was quite a bit of bribery going on in the senate, on the part of the various businessmen who wanted things done their way.

The second game was almost a mirror image of the first. I had bad luck at the beginning, but after a few shifts and a series of good cards, I pulled out a massive victory. Where we had only 2.5k coming in, we were now up to well over 25,000 Saltos鈥攇uess I could afford that new hard-drive after all! And, maybe I could afford something for my speeder, too. I felt like that Jim Bunt fellow from all those holo-cubes鈥peaking of, I wonder when the next Bunt movie is coming out, anyway?

The third game was somewhat lower in the stakes and didn't last as long. I ended up losing, but since the stakes were lower comparatively and I was already quite pleased, I didn't mind so much. We were still up by at least 18k, and we were garnering the information we needed.

However, we hit a snag. Mingling after the game, the casino owner pulled me and the boys aside. Just like the Bunt movies, he knew the whole while who we really were. Being somewhat up the slipstream without a hyperdrive, I decided to play hardball and cut him a deal: if he toned down his own bribery and that of his patrons, and gave us some information on his rival's actions, we'd make all the accusations against his rival, taking him out of the water.

Essentially, it was a win-win situation for both of us. He wouldn't have any charges against him and would have his rival conveniently removed from the competition. We would be following the Senator's request and would probably make a ton of cash in the meanwhile. Calling it a deal, the owner and I shook on it. He told us that we'd soon be contacted by a Mon Calamari woman with the specs on his rival's place. I have no problems with the fish-heads, but they're not really my type. I can't get over the smell.

Well, I guess Charda can tell you the rest of the story. He wanted me to write this, so I'll finish this up quick. I paid back the smarmy bugger exactly as much as he paid us, and paid both Roshen and Kadlo handily. Roshen hung onto his cash, while Kadlo ended up buying one of the Y-wings that Ri-Lani-Ro was offering. Me? Well, I ended up taking a trip back to the casino owner and managed to procure two heavy blasters configured for my speeder. Oh, and my hard-drive? Yeah鈥 sweet upgrade. Life is going well, and it looks like I'm going to be the new pilot off of this rock, once we're done.

Captain Kraig Tor-Shaneel of the Discordia...I like the sound of that!

Adventures on Likandry

Likandry Log Entry #1

When we first get into the Likandry system things get a little exciting right from the start. Initially we are greeted nicely by three escort ships, which offer to escort us to their capital of Harmonia. Having looked over the information that we were given by the Ra on Saltrushia about this system, the name of their capital doesn't surprise me. The Likandry are a people who are very orderly in their ways. They believe in the notion that order breeds harmony. As a result they are very musically inclined due to the orderly nature of music, or at least the music they listen too.

So at this point I can once again point out that some people are good at getting the data, but can be absolutely horrible at using it. Kraig who happened to be piloting our Freighter at this point hails the escorts back, saying that our ship the Discordia and her crew would appreciate the escort. Yes, always a good idea to start off a new relationship by coming out and saying we are something your people highly dislike. Almost like walking up to a group of Wookies and saying, "Hi, my name is Washes with Soap, mind if we talk?"

NOTE: geeks are not good at first encounters and opening relations.

It turns out the escorts were nice enough to still escort us to their capital despite Kraig's giggling at his naming of the Discordia. Alas the initial introductions were not the worst thing to happen. As we started heading into the system, a group of four tie- fighters came flying out from behind a nearby moon that we were passing, and quickly destroy one of the escorts.

Kadlo in his Y-Wing peals off from the side of our ship, and quickly engages the tie-fighters. While we try our best to fend them off in our freighter. After a battle that rages for several minutes, we end up in the midst of the three destroyed escorts and only two destroyed tie-fighters. Before Kadlo can engage the remaining two tie-fighters a new cruiser appears on the scene, and hails us offering to escort us to their leader.

Seeing as how we only managed to survive the last battle because the tie-fighters were concentrating on the escorts instead of us, we figured it was best to be escorted. We didn't stand a chance against the tie-fighters and a cruiser.

So with our visit to Likandry already exciting we followed the escort cruiser to their base. Their base happened to be an old Imperial Biodome base on an airless moon. As we came into land it was obvious from the markings on the base exterior that this was a remnant of the old Empire. But seeing as how we were in no position to flee or do anything we land at the appropriate landing bay they instruct us too.

The rest of the group head down to meet the captain, Ben even wears his pirate hat, which he thinks is now his formal dress attire. Meanwhile I tend to the cargo, in the hold to make sure its safe and secure after all the heavy maneuvering that we had just gone through.

From the conversation with a Captain Rengar, the group learns that from this base they govern the whole Likandry system. The people that we first encountered were actually pirates who were raiding the people that come into the system. After the nice introduction, Ben fails to sell his bouncy balls to the Captain. The Captain though quickly turns the discussion back to what he really wanted to talk to us about.

Apparently he and his fellow members of the base want to break off from the governing body of old Imperial rule. They want to be a free and democratic society without living in fear of the tyrannical Moff who is currently in charge of the base and surrounding area. The Moff is the last of the Imperials left in the system, and is only managing to keep his rule due to his vicious and heavy handed control of the people. If he were to be "removed" from power, then the people would be able to take over and govern for themselves. Rengar would like our help in removing the Moff from power, so that he can help bring democracy and free rule to the system.

By this point I've wandered outside and managed to find the base quartermaster. After a brief bit of negotiations I'm able to sell all of the Saltrushian Ale on board for 2900 credits, and help him to start unloading the Ale. I also try unsuccessfully to sell him the "small orbular entertainment" devices, otherwise known as bouncy balls. No matter I got some money out of the deal.

As I finish up with the quartermaster I wander over and join the rest of the group as they finish up negotiating with Rengar for about 2500 credits apiece. It turns out that they negotiated for each of us 2500 credits, if we manage to remove the Moff.

Money is money, so it is not that bad of a deal. Although for that kind of money I could hire someone else to do the dirty work for us too. Now there is an idea, if I could find a bounty hunter and give him 2500 credits to do the work for us, it would save us a headache. That is what is called outsourcing. Then again the Moff is a high official and probably has some big guards to protect him. Even more so, since this Moff is apparently a really mean one, so getting close enough to even plant a bomb of some sort would be hard to do. Now that I think about it Rengar got a really good deal paying only 12,500 credits to get five people to do his job. Heck that much wouldn't even buy the services of one good bounty hunter, for that matter it might not even buy the services of a bad one.

As the discussion of cost wraps up it looked as though Roshan was going to object to the price as being too low for the job. But my hopes were dashed when he went on about how he isn't too thrilled about killing people anymore, especially assassinating someone. For brief second I had thought he might be making a scene to get more money, but then I figured its Roshan, he might not be that savvy to pull a trick like that. In the end the rest of the group calm him down enough to except the deal.

While the deal is being closed Ben lets it slip that he is a Jedi, and causes a few of the people to raise an eye brow, and Rengar looks at him briefly with a look of concern. Despite that little slip, and with the deal made, Rengar offers us a day of rest at his base before we must depart for the planet and the Moff.

Likandry Log Entry #2

The next day as we are readying things for the trip to the planet, Gaycerian, below, Captain Rengar pulls Kadlo aside and mentions that it might be a good idea to leave his Y-Wing at the base. This way it doesn't look too suspicious when we go to the planet. Kadlo agrees and sets up the lock on his Y-Wing so that no one can get into it, which I commend him on, considering I don't want to see my investment get stolen.

While the rest of the group take advantage of Rengar's generosity of his armory, I manage to secure of contract to transport some special Mycrodul "ale" from a small mine. At 20,000 credits a piece and I get 50% of that for transporting about 5-10 crates of the stuff. Then again if I negotiate for more money I get that much more money too. The "ale" has to be kept undisturbed in its special crates though; otherwise it might "spoil" it. It's a special brand of "ale" called "Deep Star."

As we begin our take off proceeds, and the freighter starts to lift off the platform, the cargo doors fall open, dropping all of the cargo out on to the landing dock. The land speeder crashes hard onto the floor, and the bouncy balls bouncy all over the place. Kraig quickly lands the freighter and rushes out to collect his land speeder. As Kraig loads the land speeder back up onto the freighter, Ben manages to pick up a few of his bouncy balls and put them back on the freighter as well, as it turns out on crate of 1,000 managed to survive the fall almost intact the rest were scattered out too much, or destroyed by the people at the landing dock.

Kraig tries to figure out what happened, but only manages to find a blank tape with no information on it. Then again, since we never actually had any surveillance equipment on the interior of the ship in the first place, why he was surprised there was a blank tape I don't know. It is almost like wondering why the holocron disk in the recorder is blank, when the blasted recorder was never connected to the holo-net in the first place.

Finally we make good on our trip to Gaycerian below. Not wanting to be spotted to easily Kraig lands us in the middle of a desert several kilometers away from the house of our contact. Considering the whole planet is one big desert it wasn't hard for Kraig to land the freighter. The trick I think would be hiding the thing in the middle of the desert. Fortunately we land far enough from any place that it would require anyone to want to look to find us. It also helps that once we land a dust storm is seen heading our way.

With the dust storm looming on the horizon, Kraig gets out his land speeder, and we all hop in for the trip to our contact's place. Our contact's place is fortunately built into the side of a mountain, and so we are able to avoid the dust storm. When we knock on the door an old haggard looking man, who is wearing a light saber on his belt, answers it. The guy must be a really good with that light saber because he invites us all inside his house, to sit down and talk. (Note: There was an apprentice here that Ben chatted with)

It turns out this guy is Sal-Res Tayate, and used to be one of the Moff's generals. He helped the Moff take care of rebellions and other insurgencies as they came about. As a general he was also in charge of the Moff's personal security as well and thus knows a bit about how the Moff operates. But he grew tired of working for the Moff, and his role in the Moff's government, so he retired from his service.

Rengar did talk with him about removing the Moff from power, and he agreed to help Rengar as part of a deal. But Rengar has yet to live up to his end of the deal so he is reluctant to help us in any manner in such a pursuit.

When pressed for more information, Sal-Res mentions that he isn't sure that Rengar's characterization of the Moff as a mean and evil person is entirely accurate. Even more interesting is the mention by Sal-Res that Rengar may not be so much as interested in removing the Moff from power as supplanting him.

With that information gathered we soon find out the real reason why Sal-Res left the Moff's service. As it turns out Rengar was supposed to help him find out why there is such a great disturbance in the force not to far from where he is now. This disturbance was relatively strong for such an area, and thus it warranted investigating. So he retired from the Moff's service to begin investigating the source of this disturbance. As it turns out the disturbance is in what once used to be a lake, that has long since dried up, higher up in the mountain range. But because of his age and failing health he isn't able to make it to the lakebed to investigate any further, and that is where Rengar said he would help. Rengar though has yet to come through with the help, and so Sal-Res is not willing to offer any help.

Seeing this as an opportunity we offer to go find out the source of the disturbance for him, and in return he will help us gain access to the Moff. Sal-Res agrees to the deal, and then says we should start finding the way to the lake by following an old stream just down the way from his place.

I'm just wondering why the old Jedi couldn't have gone and found the source of this force presence on his own. I mean if it is as simple as following a dried up stream why can't he just go do it himself, or better yet send his young Jedi apprentice. I think that would be a good way to see if the kid is ready. Heck isn't that what apprentices are for? This is a dirty job, let the kid do it, and it will be good training for him. The fact the Jedi isn't doing this himself or sending his apprentice does not make me feel very good about this.

It doesn't much matter as we all hop into Kraig's speeder and head up the streambed and into the mountains. Since the several streams seem to converge occasionally into this one from odd directions, we put Ben in the passenger seat to sort guide us down the correct path. Nothing like a techie who can barely drive and barely Jedi giving directions. I was just surprised that at no point in the trip we didn't see the streaking of stars go by us as we jumped into hyperspace. Then again I'm also glad we didn't see stars, due to smacking into the side of a mountain.

During the trip, Roshan, Kraig, Kadlo, Nar-Ny and I discuss the virtues and values of breasts on females. Well at least as far as human and Saltrushian females go. Me being the only one familiar enough with Rodian women, decided not to get bring them into the conversation. I don't know what Ben was thinking the whole time, because he seemed to be concentrating more on directing us to the source of the force, then talking with the group. I just think the poor Jedi doesn't have enough experience to join in the conversation; then again maybe he was trying to hard to give directions and take mental notes about the conversation.

After a while the streambed that we were following entered into a gorge that got narrower as we got higher up into the mountains. At this point Ben was still pointing the way, despite the fact that the streambed we were following was the only one to follow, but he had to show he was good for something, even if it was pointing out the obvious. Before the gorge became narrow enough to cause the paint to scrape off Kraig's speeder we came out on to a huge deep dried up lake.

Peering out into the basin of the dried up lake, Kraig spotted two caves at the far end, and took the land speeder into investigate. Before we could even get halfway across the lakebed, two giant dark brown-scaled beasts jumped from what used to be the shores above us, and landed just in front of the speeder. Kraig managed to stop and back the speeder up a bit to get a shot off at one of the beasts from one of the mounted blasters on his speeder. Alas the sudden jerking of the speeder causes Nar-Ny to miss with his blaster.

One of the beasts though, manages to leap and jump on the speeder, and I had the misfortune of seeing this prowess up close, as the beast landed on top of me. The sudden slam on the beast on top of me caused me to miss firing my blaster at it. Ben smiles at the beast that jumped me, and mutters at it, which doesn't seem to do much of anything. Roshan on the other hand is little more helpful, or tries to be by firing his blaster at the beast, but he misses.

Kadlo pulls out his two blasters and fires shots off at the one beast that hasn't jumped on the speeder, and manages to land both shots on the beast. The problem is that this only causes the beast to notice him, and it charges and jumps on to the speeder and him as well. Thus we now have a running battle in the land speeder.

Kraig tries to erratically drive the speeder to throw off the beasts, or at least I believe that is what he was trying to do. He didn't impress me much the last time he drove a speeder while under pressure. Fortunately this time his driving was able to cause the beast on top of me to fall of the speeder. Because of that fact I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was his good driving that caused it to happen.

Nar-Ny gets his blaster and trains it on the beast currently on top of Kadlo and blasts it in the eye, causing a nice big gash in the side of its face. Poor Kadlo though gets drenched in green bloody goo as a result. I'm sure he is happy it was the beast's blood and not his own that splattered.

Meanwhile the other beast manages to get its footing back and jumps back on to the speeder, this time it goes after Kraig and tries to swipe at him with its claws. Kraig though still driving the speeder erratically manages to cause the beast to not get a good enough aim to connect with him.

Seeing the one beast is injured I figured it was best to get rid of that one, before it can do any serious harm to Kadlo, so I fire off a shot at it with my blaster. Hitting it causing even more green blood to splatter over Kadlo.

At this point Ben goes a little strange in the head. He suddenly stops muttering to himself, and smiling at the beast that is swiping at Kraig. Then for some reason he tries to reach over and pet the beast. Then when Roshan fires his blaster at the beast, and misses, Ben gives Roshan a really mean look.

Kadlo taking advantage of the fact the beast is right on top of him fires his two blasters into its belly, causing more green blood to spill over him. The beast apparently doesn't like to be the only one bleeding, and takes a big bite into Kadlo's shoulder causing Kadlo to start bleeding.

Suddenly a third beast appears, this one though is a dark red as opposed to the scaly dark brown of the other two, charging out of one of the caves. This beast leaps and tries to grab onto the beast currently attacking Kraig, but falls short. Kraig meanwhile tries to do more of his maneuvering but only manages to barely miss the wall of the dried up lakebed instead.

Nar-Ny decides to try and finish off Kadlo's beast and fires his blaster causing some more green blood to sputter forth.

Meanwhile the beast that was attacking Kraig, seems to take no notice at the other beast that has appeared. Instead it clamps down on Kraig with its jaw causing Kraig to bleed from the bite mark.

I finally get a good enough bead on Kadlo's beast to fire a shot through the holes in its scaly head to make a big enough hole to kill it.

Ben pulls out his light saber and takes a swing at the red beast, but due to the erratic driving of Kraig, only manages to drop his light saber on to the lakebed. Ben then dives out of the speeder as he tries to catch it. With the greatest lack of dexterity Ben lets the saber fall through his hands and on to the lakebed, and manages to end up the lakebed with it as well.

Roshan seeing as how Kadlo's beast is no longer a threat turns and tries to fire a shot off at the beast attacking Kraig. Also the erratic driving and such cause Roshan to miss with his shot. Kaldo meanwhile grabs for the medkit and gives himself a quick shot of coagulant to stop his bleeding.

Kraig yells for Roshan to jump into the passenger seat and man the secondary mounted blaster, as he fails to get a shot off with the mounted blaster in front of him. Nar-Ny misses a shot with his blaster as well.

The brown-scaled beast, seeing as Kraig is trying to use the mounted blaster to attack him, manages to knock it clean off with one swipe of its claw.

At this point the red beast stops in its tracks and seems to take in a deep breath. But this doesn't last for long, amongst the missed blaster shots from Roshan and me, Kraig starts to slam on the power for the speeder and drive erratically once again. This causes the red beast to fall of the speeder, but leaves the brown one still in front of him.

Nar-Ny suddenly yells at the group to stop firing and let the two beasts duke it out amongst each other. At which the brown scaled beast jumps off the speeder and attacks the red one. In the middle of the battle between the two beasts Ben charges the red beast with his light saber. Kadlo having taking careful aim manages to fire both blasters off and hit the brown-scaled beast in the leg, causing it limp a bit in the battle. Kraig then tosses a grenade into the fray and causes some damage to the brown beast. I would have helped but I ended up jamming my blaster instead.

Kadlo slumps to the floor at the back of the speeder, as Nar-Ny fires a shot off causing the brown-scaled beast to bleed. But it is with a great swipe from its claws that the red beast manages to finish off the other beast. As soon as the brown-scaled beast falls to the ground dead, the red one takes a deep breath and falls to the ground as well.

As we quickly tend to our wounded a shimmering figure appears in front of the speeder. The figure introduces herself as Mel-Rain to Kraig. She apparently is a Jedi who had traveled to this planet millennia ago, to investigate a dark presence. Apparently the dark presence had such an influence on this area that it became noticeable across the galaxy to the Jedi order. Its force concentration almost rivaled that of some Jedi sanctuary. When she was exploring the two caves, beasts similar to the ones that attacked us attacked her.

At this point Ben seemed to come too from his desire to pet the beasts, and started giddily asking what the hell was going on. Kadlo not being in much of a mood to deal with a giddy Ben pulled out his blaster and was going to fire, but Mel-Rain waved her hand and Kadlo's gun didn't seem to fire.

Mel-Rain continued on, to tell us that it appears there is some very dark object deep with in the cave. As she got closer to the dark object, the beasts became more ferocious and attacked even more viciously than before. Finally she was mauled so badly that she was barely able to make it out of the cave, and into the other cave to rest. But before she could tend to her wounds, the beasts in the second cave leapt upon her. She concentrated all her will into her belief in the force, and the beasts stopped their assault on her. The taming of the beasts though was the last thing she could do, as it drained her completely and she slowly died in the cave.

But the sudden concentration of the force caused her spirit to live on in the cave, as well as to stop the corruptive influence of the dark object upon the creatures that lived with in it. The creatures in the other cave though she could not reach with her power, so they remained under the sway of the dark force lurking inside the cave.

The dark object in the other cave, must be something of value to the Sith, because the creature are hunted and breed by the Sith for their scales and poison, Sith use the scales for their armor, and the poison for their blades and daggers. The Sith must have buried the object deep with in the cave and put these beasts there to guard it.

Mel-Rain then offers us sanctuary in her cave, and heals Kadlo and Kraig of their bite marks. She asks that once we have rested if we could go in to the cave and destroy the dark object found with in and stop its evil influence from spreading. We agree to do our best after we get some sleep.

As we begin to bunk down in the cave, we notice in the back in a side cave a group of the red-beasts are cautiously watching us. But we must not have been too interesting or Mel-Rain might have done something, because they slowly settle down to sleep as well.

Roshan on the other hand, lies on the ground and tries to go to sleep, but instead is given a wet lick across the face, by a younger one of the creatures that had wandered from the back of the cave. Roshan wipes the slime off his face, smiles and pets the creature on the top of its head. He then falls asleep with his hand petting the little creature on the head, by his side.

Likandry Log Entry #3

The next day as we are readying things for the trip to the planet, Gaycerian, below, Captain Rengar pulls Kadlo aside and mentions that it might be a good idea to leave his Y-Wing at the base. This way it doesn't look too suspicious when we go to the planet. Kadlo agrees and sets up the lock on his Y-Wing so that no one can get into it, which I commend him on, considering I don't want to see my investment get stolen.

While the rest of the group take advantage of Rengar's generosity of his armory, I manage to secure of contract to transport some special Mycrodul "ale" from a small mine. At 20,000 credits a piece and I get 50% of that for transporting about 5-10 crates of the stuff. Then again if I negotiate for more money I get that much more money too. The "ale" has to be kept undisturbed in its special crates though; otherwise it might "spoil" it. It's a special brand of "ale" called "Deep Star."

As we begin our take off proceeds, and the freighter starts to lift off the platform, the cargo doors fall open, dropping all of the cargo out on to the landing dock. The land speeder crashes hard onto the floor, and the bouncy balls bouncy all over the place. Kraig quickly lands the freighter and rushes out to collect his land speeder. As Kraig loads the land speeder back up onto the freighter, Ben manages to pick up a few of his bouncy balls and put them back on the freighter as well, as it turns out on crate of 1,000 managed to survive the fall almost intact the rest were scattered out too much, or destroyed by the people at the landing dock.

Kraig tries to figure out what happened, but only manages to find a blank tape with no information on it. Then again, since we never actually had any surveillance equipment on the interior of the ship in the first place, why he was surprised there was a blank tape I don't know. It is almost like wondering why the holocron disk in the recorder is blank, when the blasted recorder was never connected to the holo-net in the first place.

Finally we make good on our trip to Gaycerian below. Not wanting to be spotted to easily Kraig lands us in the middle of a desert several kilometers away from the house of our contact. Considering the whole planet is one big desert it wasn't hard for Kraig to land the freighter. The trick I think would be hiding the thing in the middle of the desert. Fortunately we land far enough from any place that it would require anyone to want to look to find us. It also helps that once we land a dust storm is seen heading our way.

With the dust storm looming on the horizon, Kraig gets out his land speeder, and we all hop in for the trip to our contact's place. Our contact's place is fortunately built into the side of a mountain, and so we are able to avoid the dust storm. When we knock on the door an old haggard looking man, who is wearing a light saber on his belt, answers it. The guy must be a really good with that light saber because he invites us all inside his house, to sit down and talk. In the corner sits a young looking, fellow who the old man introduces as his young apprentice. Ben takes this oppurtunity to talk with the apprentice.

It turns out this guy is Sal-Res Tayate, and used to be one of the Moff's generals. He helped the Moff take care of rebellions and other insurgencies as they came about. As a general he was also in charge of the Moff's personal security as well and thus knows a bit about how the Moff operates. But he grew tired of working for the Moff, and his role in the Moff's government, so he retired from his service.

Rengar did talk with him about removing the Moff from power, and he agreed to help Rengar as part of a deal. But Rengar has yet to live up to his end of the deal so he is reluctant to help us in any manner in such a pursuit.

When pressed for more information, Sal-Res mentions that he isn't sure that Rengar's characterization of the Moff as a mean and evil person is entirely accurate. Even more interesting is the mention by Sal-Res that Rengar may not be so much as interested in removing the Moff from power as supplanting him.

With that information gathered we soon find out the real reason why Sal-Res left the Moff's service. As it turns out Rengar was supposed to help him find out why there is such a great disturbance in the force not to far from where he is now. This disturbance was relatively strong for such an area, and thus it warranted investigating. So he retired from the Moff's service to begin investigating the source of this disturbance. As it turns out the disturbance is in what once used to be a lake, that has long since dried up, higher up in the mountain range. But because of his age and failing health he isn't able to make it to the lakebed to investigate any further, and that is where Rengar said he would help. Rengar though has yet to come through with the help, and so Sal-Res is not willing to offer any help.

Seeing this as an opportunity we offer to go find out the source of the disturbance for him, and in return he will help us gain access to the Moff. Sal-Res agrees to the deal, and then says we should start finding the way to the lake by following an old stream just down the way from his place.

I'm just wondering why the old Jedi couldn't have gone and found the source of this force presence on his own. I mean if it is as simple as following a dried up stream why can't he just go do it himself, or better yet send his young Jedi apprentice. I think that would be a good way to see if the kid is ready. Heck isn't that what apprentices are for? This is a dirty job, let the kid do it, and it will be good training for him. The fact the Jedi isn't doing this himself or sending his apprentice does not make me feel very good about this.

It doesn't much matter as we all hop into Kraig's speeder and head up the streambed and into the mountains. Since the several streams seem to converge occasionally into this one from odd directions, we put Ben in the passenger seat to sort guide us down the correct path. Nothing like a techie who can barely drive and barely Jedi giving directions. I was just surprised that at no point in the trip we didn't see the streaking of stars go by us as we jumped into hyperspace. Then again I'm also glad we didn't see stars, due to smacking into the side of a mountain.

During the trip, Roshan, Kraig, Kadlo, Nar-Ny and I discuss the virtues and values of breasts on females. Well at least as far as human and Saltrushian females go. Me being the only one familiar enough with Rodian women, decided not to get bring them into the conversation. I don't know what Ben was thinking the whole time, because he seemed to be concentrating more on directing us to the source of the force, then talking with the group. I just think the poor Jedi doesn't have enough experience to join in the conversation; then again maybe he was trying to hard to give directions and take mental notes about the conversation.

After a while the streambed that we were following entered into a gorge that got narrower as we got higher up into the mountains. At this point Ben was still pointing the way, despite the fact that the streambed we were following was the only one to follow, but he had to show he was good for something, even if it was pointing out the obvious. Before the gorge became narrow enough to cause the paint to scrape off Kraig's speeder we came out on to a huge deep dried up lake.

Peering out into the basin of the dried up lake, Kraig spotted two caves at the far end, and took the land speeder into investigate. Before we could even get halfway across the lakebed, two giant dark brown-scaled beasts jumped from what used to be the shores above us, and landed just in front of the speeder. Kraig managed to stop and back the speeder up a bit to get a shot off at one of the beasts from one of the mounted blasters on his speeder. Alas the sudden jerking of the speeder causes Nar-Ny to miss with his blaster.

One of the beasts though, manages to leap and jump on the speeder, and I had the misfortune of seeing this prowess up close, as the beast landed on top of me. The sudden slam on the beast on top of me caused me to miss firing my blaster at it. Ben smiles at the beast that jumped me, and mutters at it, which doesn't seem to do much of anything. Roshan on the other hand is little more helpful, or tries to be by firing his blaster at the beast, but he misses.

Kadlo pulls out his two blasters and fires shots off at the one beast that hasn't jumped on the speeder, and manages to land both shots on the beast. The problem is that this only causes the beast to notice him, and it charges and jumps on to the speeder and him as well. Thus we now have a running battle in the land speeder.

Kraig tries to erratically drive the speeder to throw off the beasts, or at least I believe that is what he was trying to do. He didn't impress me much the last time he drove a speeder while under pressure. Fortunately this time his driving was able to cause the beast on top of me to fall of the speeder. Because of that fact I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say it was his good driving that caused it to happen.

Nar-Ny gets his blaster and trains it on the beast currently on top of Kadlo and blasts it in the eye, causing a nice big gash in the side of its face. Poor Kadlo though gets drenched in green bloody goo as a result. I'm sure he is happy it was the beast's blood and not his own that splattered.

Meanwhile the other beast manages to get its footing back and jumps back on to the speeder, this time it goes after Kraig and tries to swipe at him with its claws. Kraig though still driving the speeder erratically manages to cause the beast to not get a good enough aim to connect with him.

Seeing the one beast is injured I figured it was best to get rid of that one, before it can do any serious harm to Kadlo, so I fire off a shot at it with my blaster. Hitting it causing even more green blood to splatter over Kadlo.

At this point Ben goes a little strange in the head. He suddenly stops muttering to himself, and smiling at the beast that is swiping at Kraig. Then for some reason he tries to reach over and pet the beast. Then when Roshan fires his blaster at the beast, and misses, Ben gives Roshan a really mean look.

Kadlo taking advantage of the fact the beast is right on top of him fires his two blasters into its belly, causing more green blood to spill over him. The beast apparently doesn't like to be the only one bleeding, and takes a big bite into Kadlo's shoulder causing Kadlo to start bleeding.

Suddenly a third beast appears, this one though is a dark red as opposed to the scaly dark brown of the other two, charging out of one of the caves. This beast leaps and tries to grab onto the beast currently attacking Kraig, but falls short. Kraig meanwhile tries to do more of his maneuvering but only manages to barely miss the wall of the dried up lakebed instead.

Nar-Ny decides to try and finish off Kadlo's beast and fires his blaster causing some more green blood to sputter forth.

Meanwhile the beast that was attacking Kraig, seems to take no notice at the other beast that has appeared. Instead it clamps down on Kraig with its jaw causing Kraig to bleed from the bite mark.

I finally get a good enough bead on Kadlo's beast to fire a shot through the holes in its scaly head to make a big enough hole to kill it.

Ben pulls out his light saber and takes a swing at the red beast, but due to the erratic driving of Kraig, only manages to drop his light saber on to the lakebed. Ben then dives out of the speeder as he tries to catch it. With the greatest lack of dexterity Ben lets the saber fall through his hands and on to the lakebed, and manages to end up the lakebed with it as well.

Roshan seeing as how Kadlo's beast is no longer a threat turns and tries to fire a shot off at the beast attacking Kraig. Also the erratic driving and such cause Roshan to miss with his shot. Kaldo meanwhile grabs for the medkit and gives himself a quick shot of coagulant to stop his bleeding.

Kraig yells for Roshan to jump into the passenger seat and man the secondary mounted blaster, as he fails to get a shot off with the mounted blaster in front of him. Nar-Ny misses a shot with his blaster as well.

The brown-scaled beast, seeing as Kraig is trying to use the mounted blaster to attack him, manages to knock it clean off with one swipe of its claw.

At this point the red beast stops in its tracks and seems to take in a deep breath. But this doesn't last for long, amongst the missed blaster shots from Roshan and me, Kraig starts to slam on the power for the speeder and drive erratically once again. This causes the red beast to fall of the speeder, but leaves the brown one still in front of him.

Nar-Ny suddenly yells at the group to stop firing and let the two beasts duke it out amongst each other. At which the brown scaled beast jumps off the speeder and attacks the red one. In the middle of the battle between the two beasts Ben charges the red beast with his light saber. Kadlo having taking careful aim manages to fire both blasters off and hit the brown-scaled beast in the leg, causing it limp a bit in the battle. Kraig then tosses a grenade into the fray and causes some damage to the brown beast. I would have helped but I ended up jamming my blaster instead.

Kadlo slumps to the floor at the back of the speeder, as Nar-Ny fires a shot off causing the brown-scaled beast to bleed. But it is with a great swipe from its claws that the red beast manages to finish off the other beast. As soon as the brown-scaled beast falls to the ground dead, the red one takes a deep breath and falls to the ground as well.

As we quickly tend to our wounded a shimmering figure appears in front of the speeder. The figure introduces herself as Mel-Rain to Kraig. She apparently is a Jedi who had traveled to this planet millennia ago, to investigate a dark presence. Apparently the dark presence had such an influence on this area that it became noticeable across the galaxy to the Jedi order. Its force concentration almost rivaled that of some Jedi sanctuary. When she was exploring the two caves, beasts similar to the ones that attacked us attacked her.

At this point Ben seemed to come too from his desire to pet the beasts, and started giddily asking what the hell was going on. Kadlo not being in much of a mood to deal with a giddy Ben pulled out his blaster and was going to fire, but Mel-Rain waved her hand and Kadlo's gun didn't seem to fire.

Mel-Rain continued on, to tell us that it appears there is some very dark object deep with in the cave. As she got closer to the dark object, the beasts became more ferocious and attacked even more viciously than before. Finally she was mauled so badly that she was barely able to make it out of the cave, and into the other cave to rest. But before she could tend to her wounds, the beasts in the second cave leapt upon her. She concentrated all her will into her belief in the force, and the beasts stopped their assault on her. The taming of the beasts though was the last thing she could do, as it drained her completely and she slowly died in the cave.

But the sudden concentration of the force caused her spirit to live on in the cave, as well as to stop the corruptive influence of the dark object upon the creatures that lived with in it. The creatures in the other cave though she could not reach with her power, so they remained under the sway of the dark force lurking inside the cave.

The dark object in the other cave, must be something of value to the Sith, because the creature are hunted and breed by the Sith for their scales and poison, Sith use the scales for their armor, and the poison for their blades and daggers. The Sith must have buried the object deep with in the cave and put these beasts there to guard it.

Mel-Rain then offers us sanctuary in her cave, and heals Kadlo and Kraig of their bite marks. She asks that once we have rested if we could go in to the cave and destroy the dark object found with in and stop its evil influence from spreading. We agree to do our best after we get some sleep.

As we begin to bunk down in the cave, we notice in the back in a side cave a group of the red-beasts are cautiously watching us. But we must not have been too interesting or Mel-Rain might have done something, because they slowly settle down to sleep as well.

Roshan on the other hand, lies on the ground and tries to go to sleep, but instead is given a wet lick across the face, by a younger one of the creatures that had wandered from the back of the cave. Roshan wipes the slime off his face, smiles and pets the creature on the top of its head. He then falls asleep with his hand petting the little creature on the head, by his side.

Likandry Log Entry #4

After we awaken from our slumber, Roshan and Ben discuss their battle with the mynocks and rats back in the sewers of Saltrusha. At this point seems to have decided to take the speeder back to the Discordia in the middle of the night for some odd reason, leaving us to take care of business by ourselves. Maybe he feels better in the confines of civilization as opposed to the rough and rugged outdoors. That aside, as the conversation between Roshan and Ben gets a little louder, we notice that things are echoing a lot for a small cave. We then notice a little ways back that there is more to the cave than we had originally thought.

We all figure it is worth the time to investigate what could be down in the cave. I figure it there is a dark evil object in the one cave; maybe there will be a bright good object in this one? Instead we find something else. As we walk deeper into the cave, we come across a cavernous area in which the ceilings are higher than earlier parts of the cave. It was a shame we didn't look up at the ceiling until it was too late. Suddenly two slime white things land on my back.

I must admit that at first I was scared to have these white slimy things clinging to my back, but shortly after that I was all right with them being there. In fact I was feeling a little better about a lot of things. It was almost as if the day brightened up, even though we were in a cave. I figure it cannot hurt to ride the good feelings out. Meanwhile the rest of the group decides to look up as they walk deeper into the cave.

Almost immediately after the cavernous area, we came to the end of the cave. Here were the remains of a body, lying next to what appeared to be and old fire. The remains are encased in some kind of ancient armor, with an old helmet too. But more impressive was the nice big light-saber hilt beside that. As the group goes to collect the stuff Mel-Rain appears, and tells us that we are not allowed to touch this stuff until after we take care of the object in the other cave.

Roshan makes knocking noises against the walls of the cave, in hopes of finding a secret door or something but finds none. With a sigh of disappointment we slowly and carefully make our way back out of the cave, keeping an eye on the ceiling of course.

Once outside the cave, Kraig and Roshan try to pull the two slimy things off my back. At first they don't do much for it, but then they pull out their blasters and blast the slimes off my back. The two were nice enough to miss me in their efforts, but I was still left with a huge headache after that, and had a sore back from it all.

Having taken care are the slimy things on my back we decide to enter cave and go after the evil object. Roshan took the lead with Nar-Ny, Kraig, Ben and me taking up the rear. As we wander deeper into the cave, we spend too much time looking at the natural formations of the cave, that we forget to look up. This time the slimy things are dark almost black ones, but more importantly they land on Ben and Nar-Ny instead of me.

Roshan tries to blast the one on Ben's back, but thanks to Ben's flailing around, the shot hits Ben instead. Ben pulls out his light saber and tries to scrap them off his own back. Ben is able to slice one of the slimy thing on his back, but also slices into his own back. Nar-Ny instead of dropping a slimy thing off Ben's back with his blaster drops his blaster instead.

Before Ben can hurt himself any more with his light-sabre Kriag tries unsuccessfully to grab it out of his hands. Roshan then tries also to grab Ben's saber before he does more damage to himself, but also fails to grab it from Ben. Staying away from Ben and his swing saber, I walk over with my blaster and at point blank range blast the two slimy things off his back, but this only leaves Nar-Ny with a seriously bloody back from where they bit into him.

Roshan than turns to Ben and tells him to use his force powers to get the slimy things off his back. Ben complains that he can't do that, but Roshan replies with "If Jedi can lift ships they sure as hell can pull off sucky things." Ben then concentrates on casting the slimy thing off his, back while I walk up and blast one off his back, causing him to wince a bit. Ben then slumps to the floor and meditates a bit, while I blast the last slimy thing off his back.

While tending to Ben the two of us fail to notice that the rest of the group, Kraig, Roshan, Nar-Ny and Roshan's little friend have actually wandered on ahead. Before I can run on to catch up to them, I suddenly awaken.

I was startled awake by the hailing of an imperial inspection cruiser asking me to prepare for docking and inspection. Groggily I slow my freighter down and walk back to check that my cargo is suitable hidden. The troopers board and spend their time scouring my freighter, and it appears they haven't found anything, as they seem to head out with out giving me any warning. But as I start the walk the officer of the squad out the door he stops before stepping off my freighter. After the last of the troopers leaves he mentions that he knows about the contraband I've got hidden on my ship. I try to convince him that its not contraband but special native spices, but he then asks about the guns I have stashed with the native spice.

Not being able to explain the guns, he grabs my hands and leads me out from the freighter saying he is going to arrest me for the contraband. Quickly I mention to him that he didn't find everything, and he should come back inside to check out the slave girl stashed in the hidden room. As I turn to walk back into my ship, the officer tries to turn and stop me, but I use his unbalanced moment to knock him over and push him off my ship. I quickly shut the airlock and lock it tight, and blast away from the cruiser. Quickly I run to the bridge and with quick flying and maneuvering manage to escape from the cruiser.

Before I can celebrate I awaken to suddenly find myself being lunged at by a huge guy wielding a huge sword. The guy is comes down hard and rapidly and causes me to fall to the ground hard. Fortunately this only turns out to be a bad dream and I wake up just before the fatal blow lands on me. I come to in the cave with a loud scream, but because of the shock of the dream, I pass out.

Apparently while I was slumbering the rest of the group was battling two beasts. When the battle is over and the two beasts are defeated, Roshan manages to help awaken me from my shock-sleep. Kraig comes over and helps me out as well. While the two are helping me out Nar-Ny wanders over to the sarcophagus.

Nar-Ny quickly looks around, and pushes the lid off the sarcophagus. Suddenly an evil force sweeps through the room, but this doesn't deter Nar-Ny. As a dark figure begins to form above the open sarcophagus, Nar-Ny peers into the sarcophagus, and turns around looking disappointed, that all he could find was a roiling swirling mist of evil inside. Nar-Ny quickly thinks upon what he just saw in the sarcophagus and shrugs his shoulders and only says, "huh" then runs out of the cave. We all follow suit, and dash out of the cave, as the dark figure begins to coalesce into a real form.

When we get outside the cave we find that the speeder is back, but Kadlo isn't there. Before we can search for Kadlo, the Dark Spirit appears menacingly in front of the speeder. Mel-Rain then appears and starts to bicker with the Dark Spirit. Mel-Rain quickly turns to us and mentions that we need to destroy the sarcophagus to stop the Dark Spirit. Suddenly the Dark Spirit pulls out his saber and starts to attack Mel-Rain, Mel- Rain though is able to pull at her light saber and attack back.

Kraig taking his cue charges back into the cave, and leaves us to watch the sparks fly from the battle between the two spirits. After a few minutes Kriag comes running out of the cave, and dives behind the speeder. Seeing how this might be a good idea, we all jump to the other side of the speeder, well almost all of us, I don't get that far and end up crawling across the speeder. Suddenly a loud boom goes off and a cloud of dust and rubble comes billowing forth from the cave. As the cloud of dust sweeps across the scene, and reaches the Dark Spirit, it screams and dissipates as the dust starts to clear out. The loud scream was too much for me to handle and I pass out onto the bottom of the speeder.

Apparently as I was unconscious the group that managed to stay awake was allowed to collect the items from the cave. They first they go through the items in the first remnants of the cave that Kraig blew up. As they leave from the cave, Roshan is kind enough to wake me up.

Ben and I decide to head in to the cave we spent the night in and gather the stuff that's in there. Nar-Ny tags a long, but stops at the cavernous area where the white slimy things are hanging and starts tossing rocks at them. Obviously this irritates the white things enough for them to drop and latch on to him.

Ben picks up the large light saber hilt, and the armor as well, as well as two holocrons cubes. The third cube I pick up which turns out to be a Force alter toy. The two of us then head back out the cave, and pick up Nar-Ny on the way out. This time we decide to leave the slimy things on Nar-Ny to teach him a lesson about tossing rocks, but it appears he might be a little too happy with his punishment.

Once we get out to the speeder, we spend the day tending to our wounds and deciding what we should do now. Kraig comes up with the master plan of killing the Jedi Sal-Res Tayate, while I try to convince the group that maybe we can sneak in and get some information on him before we do anything. Kraig seems pretty adamant about killing the guy, so we all head back to Tayate's house on a bend to kill him.

Once we get to the house, Kraig takes the helmet that Ben picked up from the cave, and hides a grenade under it, then knocks on Tayate's door and runs. When Tayate answers the door he sets grenade off. The Jedi, must not be that old as he was able to dodge the most of the blast as the grenade goes off. Kraig then begins firing on the Tayate and misses but this lets Roshan know it is time to open fire, and he fires a shot into him with his blaster rifle.

Kriag then jumps back into his speeder and fires a shot off with one of the mounted blasters and manages to hit the Jedi with it. Tayate manages to fire back with his blasters hitting Kraig with both shots, and dives back into his house. Roshan's pet charges into house after Tayate. Ben moves over to the house along the outside wall so he can get closer to the door without being seen by Tayate. Meanwhile Nar-Ny and I run over the house, under one of the second story windows.

Kraig runs up to the wall beside Ben, while Tayate fires a blaster shot off at Roshan's pet, but misses letting Roshan's pet leap at him, who misses him. I try to lift Nar-Ny up to the second story window but only manage to drop him on to the ground. Ben quickly charges into the doorway after Tayate, as Roshan comes up to the other side of the doorway.

Despite earlier dropping Nar-Ny I manage to hoist him up to the window. Kraig tries to fire around the corner of the door, and manages to hit him. Tayate switches to his light sabers and slices into Roshan's pet, which causes Roshan's pet to miss him with its next leap. Ben misses Tayate with his saber, while Roshan tries to tell his pet to get out of there before it gets hurt even more.

Kriag tries to follow Roshan into the house and fire a shot at Tayate but misses him. Tayate despite looking seriously wounded manages to slice into Roshan's pet even more with his light saber. Nar-Ny grabs the bed sheets off the bed and starts feeding them out the window to me. Ben manages to connect with his saber on Tayate, hurting him some more. Roshan tries to make the finishing shots but in his haste jams both his blasters.

Kraig though blast Tayate hard enough to cause Tayate to drop his light saber, only after Tayate had hit Roshan with it. Ben quickly grabs Tayate's dropped saber and throws it out the door. Tayate though grabs one of his blasters only to find out that it has run out of charge. Kraig takes advantage of this moment, and draws a bead on Tayate and blasts him to the ground, killing him.

As the battle was raging downstairs I managed to climb up the bed sheet rope into the bedroom, only to find that Nar-Ny has delicately searched the room, by tossing all the books on the floor. I search around the room and do not find much of anything. In the other rooms on the second floor I manage to find a deed to Tayate's starship, as well as a contract stating that he sold it for the funds to build his current house.

After Kraig spends time trying to get information out about the Moff, he only manages to find a few short notes, but nothing of any interest. Nor does he find anything to justify actually killing him either. While everyone else is content with not finding anything more, I'm still a bit worried about the fact that Tayate's apprentice is no where to be found. No one else seems to pick up on this fact, and we all decide to spend the night at Tayate's place.

Likandry Log Entry #5

The next day we spend the morning discussing what should be done about the gross things that have attached themselves to Nar-Ny's back. While we are discussing them, Nar-Ny gets a little upset, and takes the bed sheet of Tayate's bed and drapes it over his back in an attempt to "hide" the white things from our sight. Which to be honest helps me a bit, because that is just disgusting. Kraig and Kadlo still are unsettled by it and spend the rest of the morning building a sled for him to ride on, because Kraig wasn't going to let Nar-Ny into his speeder while he had those things on his back.

Once the sled is built, and Nar-Ny is settled on it, we then head off towards the city of Harmonia. Surprisingly Nar-Ny seemed to enjoy the trip a bit. I think it was because he liked the feel and sound of his bed sheet cape flapping in the wind behind him as we sped along. We made a short stop during which Kraig unsuccessfully tried to slice off one of the slimy things of Nar-Ny's back with his fancy new sword.

Towards the late afternoon, as we sped along, we noticed a walled complex set into the side of the mountain ranges. This being the first sign of civilization in a while, and with nighttime only a few hours away I figured it would be a good time to stop, and maybe stock up on supplies. Especially Med-Kits, since we seem to run out of those pretty well. With a little bit of convincing Kriag turned the speeder towards the complex and we drove up to it.

The complex was walled for defensive reasons it appears, not just because the walls were tall and thick looking, but because of the guards wearing the old imperial style armor and holding blaster rifles at the ready at the top of the walls. When we got up to the gate, we asked for entrance but were asked what our business was. We said we were looking for work, and the guards said there might not be much work for us, but that we could enter and ask the officer in charge. So they let us in and pointed us to the office of the office in charge.

The complex was a mining complex. There were seven separate buildings inside the complex, and a big shaft with a huge blast door sunk into the side of the mountain range. The odd thing was that the guards for this mine were really heavily guarded. I wouldn't have thought too much of this considering that this was obviously a mining operation where gems were mined. Heck you don't want the workers stealing from your profits after all. But considering how underfed and scarred the workers looked, most of who happened to be of one alien race, I later learned they were Glycerians. I had to wonder if these people are actual miners or something more sinister.

We all made our way to the office, and met the Officer in charge who happened to be a Lieutenant, in old Imperial garb. When asked how the mine was doing he said they were doing fairly well. Upon further chatting he tells us that this is actual a penal mine, for criminals and the like. It just happens that most of the criminals are from the local populace of Glycerians. Not wanting any part of a penal mine we all decide that we should best continue our trip to Harmonia.

Before we leave though, the Lieutenant stops us and mentions that things are not actually going well for the mine. It turns out that something in the mines is causing some problems for them. If we would care to take a look and find out what the problem is he would be willing to pay us 200 credits. Now that money was offered up we decided we could stay and rest a bit, maybe take a nice tour of the lower mines to see what might be down there.

After taking him up on his offer, the Lieutenant shows us the way to the quartermaster's so that we can pick up supplies we need for the lower mines. The quartermaster gives us some gas masks, just in case, and one med-pack, as well as the maps of the lower mines. Kraig promptly scans them into his little data pad for future reference.

On the way to the mine, Roshan ties up his little pet to the speeder, so that it doesn't wander off. I'm thinking Kraig was also glad Roshan did this, as it might prevent his speeder from "wandering off" as well.

While Roshan was tying up his pet, Kriag chatted with some of the "miners" who only managed to tell him that there was some strange goings on in the lower mines. The "miners" point out on the map, where they say the strange happenings were going on. This affords the rest of the group the opportunity to see how badly underfed and treated the "miners" were.

After a brief little discussion, we put Nar-Ny in the lead and head forth to the spot marked on the map by the "miners." It takes us almost an hour to get down to the lower mines, where we notice that the number of "miners" seems to start dwindling. Eventually we get to a very narrow point in the mine, where the last "miner" we passed was heading out of the mine, about fifteen minutes earlier. At this point it appears that Kriag must have been a little upset or something, because he stabbed his sword into the mine floor almost breaking it.

The rest of the group decides to look around this narrow point for any clues of anything strange, before proceeding onward. Of course I stood watch for whatever strange thing might come at us. It also was a good time to stop for a bit because to proceed further meant having to skinny through a narrow crevice in the wall, one by one.

Nothing was found so we decided going through the crevice was the only way to proceed. Before doing so, Kadlo tosses a rock through the crevice, which luckily enough, does not hit anything besides the sides of the crevice. Once again we send Nar-Ny ahead first, followed by Kadlo, Kraig, Roshan, Ben and lastly me. I'm going to let them all find the strange stuff first and maybe take it out before I have to worry about getting "stranged" myself by the something strange.

As we proceed through the crevice, Roshan suddenly kicks a rock down the crevice and shouts forward to Nar-Ny, "Hey, Nar-Ny, I didn't hit you?" For some reason Roshan kept talking during our walk through the crevice which, I guess is his way of dealing with his fear of tight places. I kept hoping Ben would nudge him with his light saber to shut him up, but then knowing Ben, in such a tight place, might hit me instead.

A short bit later, I hear the sounds of blaster fire from ahead of me in the crevice, it turns out that the party had stumbled across two big four armed creatures in the cavern ahead of us. I quickly turn off my helmet lamp, so as not to draw attention to myself, and wait my turn to come out of the crevice. The rest of the group kept their lamps on, I guess in the heat of battle they didn't realize that pretty much gave their position away as well as made it easy to find them amongst a crowd.

In the end it didn't really matter, because when I got out into the crevice I found that one of the beasts was clubbing Nar-Ny, and the other had Kadlo in a four armed bear hug. I quickly ran to Kadlo's aid and with Kraig's help tried to stop the creature from squeezing Kadlo's life out of him. Kadlo tried to help, by head butting the creature a few times, but I wasn't sure who got the worse end of the deal. Meanwhile Roshan, Ben and Nar-Ny were busy firing their blasters at the club-wielding creature trying not to get their heads bashed in.

The commotion ended with us killing both of the creatures and us coming out with some scrapes and bruises. Although oddly enough, even after getting hit hard by the creature with a club, Nar-Ny didn't seem to be hurt that badly. Granted he still had those slimy things on his back, he didn't look like he was too bad off. Kadlo though ended up having to stick his fingers in his nose to stop the blood from oozing out, which was an amusing sight.

Kraig though was more interested in Nar-Ny's seeming lack of injuries, and pulled his blaster on Nar-Ny. Kadlo though cut Nar-Ny a bit to see what the deal was, and was surprised, as the rest of us were, that the cut healed. Kraig though, apparently not having fully gotten his mind out of the "blast anything mode" fired his blaster at Nar-Ny, seriously scarring Nar-Ny's arm.

NOTE: Never let a techie investigate things of a medical nature

This time, taking a note from Ben's book of Evidence Collection, Roshan takes the head off one of the creatures, and we all head back out of the mine. As we come out of the mine, some of the "miners" come up to Kraig and tell him they are happy that the creatures were dealt with, but that being slaves this is only a brief bit of happiness in their enslaved lives. Roshan I guess tried to cheer them up a bit by using the head as a hand puppet, but that only managed to gross them and me out.

At the Lieutenant's office we show him the head of the creature and ask for our money. He gives us 200 credits, some of us taking it in refined gems, while others taking the credits. During this time Kadlo chats up the Lieutenant allowing Kraig to sneak around and download some data from his computer to his datapad. He then offers us some bunks in the barracks to rest up for the night, which we all decide to accept.

As we were shaking his hands, thanking him for the bunks, Nar-Ny, reaches into the Lieutenant's desk and starts to rummage around, but is easily caught. Holding a gem he found in the desk Nar-Ny asks what is so special about it. The Lieutenant says that it was the first gem pulled from the mine. Kadlo quickly tells the Lieutenant that Nar-Ny is a bit of kleptomaniac and we have to keep our eye on him, and offers his apologies for Nar-Ny rummaging through his desk. This is enough to convince the Lieutenant not to send Nar-Ny to the mines.

Before we make it to the barracks we head over to the cafeteria to get some food. Over dinner we discuss plans as to what to do next. Kraig and Kadlo along with Roshan and Ben decide that blowing up the mines would be the best means to help the "miners," so they begin to start making plans to do that. After dinner, they head to the barracks to start making preparations for their plan.

While they are making their preparations I make a stop by the quartermaster's and get some "Deep Star" materials.

Likandry Log Entry #6

That night as the rest of the group goes to get some sleep in the barracks, I wander off to talk to the Lieutenant, to negotiate a profitable deal. Having made a decent deal I make my way back to the barracks, and see Kraig fiddling with something on his bunk, under the covers. Apparently the rest of the people in the barracks were too tired to notice the small sparks from Kraig鈥檚 bunk.

Before I could get to sleep, the doors to the barracks burst open and stomps in a couple of guards. The guards quickly make their way over to Kraig鈥檚 bunk, quickly covered up what covered up whatever it was that his was working on. The lead guard pulls his blaster and points it at Kraig telling him that he, as well as Kadlo and Nar-Ny are under arrest. Apparently the Lieutenant had a camera in his office and he spotted the three of them doing something wrong in his office when were last there.

Kraig, being the smartest person in a blaster fight, decides he can take on all the guards by himself. Of course the fact that he is in a barracks full of guards, and surrounded by several already pointing their blasters at him, doesn鈥檛 do much to change his opinion about that. So he quickly reaches into his pocket and pulls out a grenade.

Maybe Kraig didn鈥檛 have too much to worry about; three of the guards fired their blasters at him, and completely miss him. Roshan seeing all this jumps out of his bunk, and puffs up his chest and lets out a loud scream. This was enough to cause one of the guards to become startled, but that was about it. It was probably more from surprise than actually fright if you ask me.

Kadlo from his top bunk spots Kraig with the grenade and the fact that there are more of them then us, swings off his top bunk and knocks Kraig on to the bunk, and starts to wrap Kraig up. The officer takes advantage of Kraig being wrapped up and walks up and tries to blast him in the head, but Kraig manages to squirm around enough to dodge the shot. Still struggling, Kraig 鈥渢osses鈥 the grenade which lands beside the bunk and goes off. The blast kills one of the guards out-right, and knocks a few of the others back a bit. Kadlo and Kraig survive the blast by being knocked off the bunk and on to floor on the other side.

Nar-Ny seeing all the commotion tries to make a quick exit out the door, but is tackled by a few of the soliders in the room as he rushes by. Roshan just watches Kraig and Kadlo roll on the floor dodging the bad shots and misses of the guards. Finally Kadlo pins Kraig down to the floor stopping him from moving around, and allowing the guards to arrest the two of them. Nar-Ny though manages to slither free from his captures, and flees out the barracks, he is found and arrested an hour later, after the place is locked down and everyone searches for him.

Roshan goes up to the Lieutenant that the guys he arrested are good guys, and should be let go. I convince Roshan that it maybe best to leave the three of them in the 鈥渃are鈥 of the Lieutenant and we figure out a better means to save them from their plight. Away from the Lieutenant I explain to Roshan and Ben the fact that we can start a rebellion amongst the slaves, and with the three of them on the inside they can help with starting the rebellion on the inside. With that explained we set about the day to see what we can do to help with the slave鈥檚 rebellion. Besides maybe Kraig could learn what a real days work is all about.

As night falls the slaves appear to be pretty riled up and ready to revolt. The sudden appearance of small pockets of weapons seems to help with the idea of starting a rebellion. While Kadlo, Kraig and Nar-Ny are put into the slave鈥檚 barracks, I sneak over to the window and manage to find Kraig sitting up in his bunk. Through the window I tell him that the rebellion will begin at dawn, and to watch for my signal. Kraig apparently being dumb without his computer stuff, can only go what? So I quickly tell him again, that the rebellion will begin at dawn, and he should be ready, for us on the outside to start blasting. Not wanting to spend the rest of the night explaining this to him, I snuck back to my own bunk.

Geez, a techie with out a datapad is like a person missing half a brain, I tell you. 鈥淚 have to do what, let me look that up..oh wait I don鈥檛 have a way to do that, explain it to me..鈥 or 鈥淎 rebellion, I can just hack into the security systems and we can鈥h wait I don鈥檛 have my datapad. If you get it for me I can be of some use..鈥 Makes we want to just tie a gun to both of their hands with the triggers pulled and let them wander out into the midst of people for all they are worth with out their datapads. If you can鈥檛 explain it to them with bright flashy graphics it is probably not worth the time and effort to explain it to them. Seriously, is it worth posting everything up on the holo-net just so he can look it up, instead of having him just listen to you?

NOTE: Techies without datapads complain more about their situation then a protocol droid does about having to talk to moisture evaporators.

As dawn rose on the next day, Ben, Roshan and I leaned up against our speeder, and waited for the slaves to be paraded to the mines. We didn鈥檛 wait too much longer as the slaves were let out of their barracks and started walking towards the mines. When they got about halfway to the mines, I pull out my blasters and start firing, which Roshan quickly follows up on with his own blasters. Ben charges forth with his light-saber and starts unshackling the slaves. Kadlo had palmed a weapon so his starts helping out with some cover fire as well. Nar-Ny ducks behind some cover and makes his way over to the speeder, while Kraig tries his best to get to the speeder and dodge blasts at the same time.

In a short time the mine has changed hands and is under the control of the slaves. The soliders and officers that survive have been pushed back into the mines. I head into the Lieutenant鈥檚 office and call the capital to let them know the mine has been freed. Apparently they didn鈥檛 know of the mine, because they were surprised when I told them. We give them the location of the mine and they agree to send a unit out to help secure the mine, and with the slaves who have been freed.

While we wait Kraig tries to un-mount one of the weapons from the guard tower in the hopes that he can attach it to his speeder. Kadlo gets up some tools and beings to weld the huge doors to the mine shut. Nar-Ny scavenges around for something worth taking, while I just sit and wait for the help from the capital to arrive. Roshan tends to his pet and plays a short game of fetch while he waits as well.

The delegation from the capital arrives, and quickly takes possession of the mine, and starts to render aide to those slaves who need it. At one point the technician they brought along upsets Kraig, by telling Kraig he can鈥檛 take the mounted gun. So Kraig leaves the weapon in place, and disheartened slowly walks back to his speeder. Nar-Ny apparently not wanting to get on the wrong side of things, wanders back to the speeder as well. Kadlo continues to work on the door, while Roshan and I explain to the delegate from the Moff what happened at the mine.

The delegate then asks us to join him in Harmonia so that we can meet with his boss who is a general. We all agree and follow his lead into the capital. Once they the general is so impressed with how we freed the mine that he tells us that he told the Moff all about it, and gave the Moff the delegates advanced report on the situation. The general then surprises us all by saying the Moff would like to give us all a medal for our heroic deed.

We quickly spiff ourselves up, and head to the Moff鈥檚 office, but before we are allowed to enter we had to turn over all our weapons, except for Ben鈥檚 light-saber and Kraig鈥檚 sword. The Moff then greets and as he presents us each with our medals he congratulates us on a job well done. Once the medals are handed out and the small politico chit-chat is dispensed with I mention that Captain Rengar had sent us to actually assassinate him.

This Moff really knows how to stay in power, because he told us he already knew about Captain Rengar鈥檚 idea, and in fact already had a plan prepared for it. He was planning on faking his own death. This way Captain Rengar would come out from his safe haven of the base and have to come down to the planet to assume power. Once he is outside the safety of his moon base, the Moff鈥檚 loyal soldiers would arrest him.

Our arrival has sort of changed his plans, but for the better. The Moff decides that he will still fake his own death, but this time it will look as though it was an assassination. This way it can look as though we did him in, and they we can go up to Captain Rengar. Once we get close to Captain Rengar we can then arrest him if that is possible. To help us out the Moff gives us his Moff insignia to show Captain Rengar proof that it was us who killed him.

With the plan setup we decide to spend the next day resting up and relaxing. During this time we manage to pick up a few things, a neat new sonic blaster and sonic rifle, and Kadlo picks up some hold out blasters and tries to fit them up his sleeve. I take the time to talk with the trade minister and at least convince him that I can talk to him later about some trade deals, although it may not be trade directly with the new republic.

The day before the Moff鈥檚 death, we sneak out of the city and being our flight back to Captain Rengar鈥檚 moon base. On the way the news breaks that the Moff was assassinated that morning. I quickly hide my Medal of Commendation from the Moff on me so that I can use it to convince the rest of the people on the base to join with the Moff. As the plan goes, a group will approach Captain Rengar and take care of him, while I convince the second in command to take over and join with the Moff.

We make it to the moon base where we are greeted by Captain Rengar with praise for a job well done. Kadlo and Kraig ask for the money, and Captain Rengar takes the two of them as well as Ben and Nar-Ny to his office to get the money. Roshan and I tag along, but once we get to the office, we hang outside, when I spot Captain Rengar鈥檚 second in command and pull him aside.

As Roshan and I chat a bit with the Officer, the sound of a blaster going off comes from the office, followed by more blaster fire. I explain to the officer that it would be in his best interest to consider where his loyalties lie, with the Captain or with the Moff who isn鈥檛 dead. The office seems shaky on the situation as the blaster fire continues to come from the office. I pull out the medal the Moff gave to me and Roshan steps behind the officer and looms large over him, as I explain that I can honestly say that the Moff will not be severe on him if he joins the Moff.

By this point several guards in full armor and armed have arrived at the office door. In fact Roshan and I are not the only ones to notice this, because briefly the door to the office opens up and is quickly shut. Before the guards charge into the office, the officer tells them to stand down. He agrees that he should join the Moff鈥檚 government and he will take charge of the base and put it under the Moff鈥檚 charge.

The blaster fire quiets down from the office shortly there after. Roshan and I convince the armed guards to stand in a circle around the door to the office and do a little dance as our group comes out the door. The door opens and Kraig and Kadlo step cautiously out the door to find us and the guards doing a little dance, and laughing together.

With the moon base now under the Moff鈥檚 jurisdiction we all head back down to talk with the Moff. I talk with the Moff about joining the New Republic. He tells us that he will maintain his position as governor of the system and using his position will convince the locals that it would be a good idea to join the New Republic. Having done the job we were sent here to do, we then go find a nice place to stay and get a bit of R & R.

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