
German Courses & Requirements

Degrees Offered:

  • B.A.: German
  • Minor: German

Course Listings

  • Click here to read complete descriptions of the German courses offered at ý.

Degree Requirements:

Major in German

  • Requirements: 34 credits beyond GERM 112, including:
    • 200-level GERM courses – at least 8 credits
    • 300-level GERM courses – at least 8 credits
    • GERM 410 – 4 credits
  • Recommended in the Department of World Languages and Cultures: At least two courses in another language. Whenever possible, these should be above the 112 level.
  • Recommended in Other Departments: Related courses in art, English, history, international studies, music, philosophy, political science, religion and theatre.

Minor in German

  • Requirements: Design the German minor in consultation with the department
  • At least 20 credits beyond GERM 112. Each student minoring in German is required to design the minor in consultation with the department.

Licensure for Teaching in German

  • Students interested in pursuing a course of study leading to a license to teach German should contact their advisor or ý's Department of Education for specific requirements.

World Languages and Cultures: Courses & Requirements page

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